Tuesday, June 29

My Only Off Day Of The Week

I am a lil disturbed by my own inconsistencies in typing.Ack.But i can't help it that sometimes the way the words are spelled just come out naturally off my fingerS.But reading them does make them seem really messy, and me irritated.Guess thats y i had 'habitual online typing ' symptoms occuring in my essays back in jc.haha.ALRRRRRRRRRIGHT.I HAVE decided,that i shall ATTEMPT.yes.to type in proper english .Can't afford to have such embarrassing blunders occurring in the corporate world.Well, that is, when i get into the corporate world.*cough* Its always good to be prepared aint it. :D

SIAN.thought i will be spending today checking out test dates for basic theory AND get some dinner outside with hong.BUT, that ass is just too lazy.cos he has to book in tonite, and he says he doesnt wanna go out knowing that he has to go back camp at the end of the day.SHEESH.

Booking of test dates.This has been one HELL of a procrastination.More than a year?GOOD god.VERY bad.But i just don't feel very motivated goin for the test alone.Or, maybe im just plain lazy to go down and check it out alone.haha.I think the later is the answer.oh well.BUT I REALLY DO WANNA DRIVE.i can still rem the dream i had last year, about driving in some black car along hv, then doing a wrong turn into a one way lane.haha.Damn thrilling.The driving part felt SO SO real.

Was just reading my fren's resume yesterday.She sent me for reference.really nice of her.
Man.i felt so retarded reading all those cheem words, hell of a good command of English.and i always thought MINE was preeeeeeeeetty not bad.(WAKE UP.WAKE UP.we're no longer in cheena ntss.) Then as i got to the end bit, there was the info abt license.She has a driving AND a speedboat license.Not to add, she had so many leadership positions before, i mean i don't know whats the market standard, but hers was pretty damn well impressive to me.

Sigh.Felt so.INcompetent.UNaccomplished.and the likes.