My blog SINGS.
Yes.It finally does~!!~
Ah..after 3 BLOODY days and nites of perspiration.Its alllllllll worth it.
Only thing, the player icon is QUITE the ugly. Gotta learn how to do flash baby.Flaaaaaaasssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh.
Oh by the way, I am sorry if u don't dig how my blog sings. You've simply just got to shut out yer ears. ALTERNATIVELY, you could halt your music and tune in to mine.
Muaha.Alrite.I shall stop being a bitch.
Goooottaaaaaaa runnnnnnn, toodles~
*Oh yeah, you can learn how to do it here. Pretty simple and straightforward.Good for starters.Nothing fancy that is.
1 nosey parkers:
Haiya waste my time doing the flash for you -.-!
Ah,and temptation is great.
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