Tuesday, June 29


Hello my dear blog.Are u feelin HUNGRY?
Well then, chew on this.

Caught MTV Video Awards Japan earlier on.SIGH.ALL THEIR SKIN.Ayumi Hamasaki.While she was singing, i couldnt help STARING AND STARING at her complexion.I mean.Its just not fair that some people really are born WITHOUT pores.-_- All these late nites aren't helping.but i can't help it!!ARGH.Its as if my body clock is tuned to the 320am GO SLEEP routine.DIEDIEDIE.hai.just realised.i have so many items on my ' must rectify ' as well as 'to do 'list. Tiring even to think abt them.snore.

Anyway.I kinda pity those black artistes that came to perform for the award.i mean.Well.i wonder how they feel when they go 'come on pple make some noiseeeeeeeeee' .uh and the crowd doesnt respond.BWHAHAHAHAH.oh well.it pretty much amused me. Oh .and N.E.R.D. i wonder what genre of music do they belong too.cos their music isnt really typical black style.at least for the song 'Maybe'.Just caught it on mtv, pretty nice.Fresh sounding.Hmm.gonna do some research on them now.

Listening to the album by
Circlesquare now.Jinghui sent me the entire lot.He's my answer to indie bands and obscure stuff.Yeah.Couldnt find ANY song by them cept for the haunting '7 Minutes' which i heard from an episode of QAF.
Can't genrelise them once again.Alternative electronica?Whatever it is.Its pretty good.
Been heavily tryin to send pple 7 mins a while back. Havent found anyone that shares the same views as me abt it though.harrumph.Pebble said it was BORING.bah.

Ah.came across another site.For all u punk kids street wear indie band gear fans,
GO visit. They have an amazing collection of albums for sale,u can even sample ALL the songs on ALL the albums.WOAH WOAH.super.
Clothes, shoes.EVERYTHING.Saw this LOVELY pair of black/pink sneakers.US$49. sigh. Now i know y some pple can't help STEALING.

Y do i sound so ADVERTISEMENT.maybe its the proper typing.*cringe*

My shoe. n thats M for Macbeth.WHAT a brand

1 nosey parkers:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dat 7 mins sogn is relaly quite non radio friendly. -chan wae dane.

4:26 am  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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