Tuesday, October 26

Hunger crosses borders, races, religions and TIME.

Who says u can't be hungry at 4.15am in the deadly silence cept for the few birds chirping and a few vehicles vrooming of the night?

I am WIDE awake, hair's still wet, and my stomach is ROARING.

These past 4 days of no work, has caused me to spend WAY too much time on my computer. I suspect that my body has probably absorbed enough light energy or whatever rays radiating out from the moniter and heat from the cpu that its sufficient to light up a bulb.Or cook an egg.

I'm gonna make my french loaf toast with my Lupark Butter Spread now.

Adios amigos.

2 nosey parkers:

Blogger ςtick ףּirl said...

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3:39 pm  
Blogger ςtick ףּirl said...

I'm not?Ah..u forgot..rem our discussion abt being Asexual?

Sorry,gotta go, sun is finally out today..*photosynthesis*

3:40 pm  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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