Thursday, October 21


Shit u Pris.Hah.U and yer stooooopid radio blog.Now u've got me sliiiiiiiiiiightly addicted to that counting crows song.Accidentally In Love. Never really liked it.Along with Smash Mouth's All Star.Somehow, they both have got this similar happy beat that i hate.Esp when EIC plays it..BUT somehow will find my feet unconsciously tapping slightly to the stupid rhythm..sneakily.

BUT.Something happened when i clicked on it for er fun on the radio blog just now.It made me very very happy. SO weird. Oh well, shan't dwell into that.

Oh and by the way, i HATE all yer hei ren songs , VERY GROSS.I've been overdosed with them at work.

Ok.In the mood for quotes?Well here are some excerpts stolen off a fren's blog.

"Ugliness is better than beauty.It lasts longer, and in the end gravity will get us all."- Johnny Depp

Hah.That NEVER crossed my mind before.Pretty cool, love the last line.And its by Johnny Depp?!!Even cooler.He's my Edward Scissorhands baby.

"Love is temporal, passion is forgettable and pain is always with you."- actor Nick Nolte

No balls of an idea who is he but, can i say i can't agree more.Can't agree more.

And here's the last to fill yer thoughts for the day.
Its supposedly taken from Tuesdays With Morrie.

"have i told you abt the tension of opposites?" he says.

the tension of opposites?

"life is a series of pulls back and forth. you want to do one thing, but you are bound to do something else. something hurts you, yet you know it shouldn't. you take certain things for granted, even though you know you should never take anything for granted."

"a tension of opposites, like a pull on a rubber band. and most of us live somewhere in the middle."

sounds like a wrestling match, i say.

"a wrestling match." he laughs. "yes, you could describe life that way."

so which side wins, i ask?

"which side wins?"

he smiles at me, the crinkled eyes, the crooked teeth."love wins. love always wins."

Well, Love has yet to win me over. As how i would like to think, if it can do so that easily, it isnt as magical a phenomena then.

As for life?It will always be like living in the middle of a rubber band stretch.As long as the rubber band holds out, i will not snap.

1 nosey parkers:

Blogger allie said...

I so like the Counting Crows - Accidentally in Love. Think it's a rather cute song. It's sorta my morning song. Anyway, hope you liked the chocolate from Melbourne. And dinner at Esplanade was pretty good. Should do this more often.

6:39 pm  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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