Wednesday, July 6

Ladida pfft.

And so. It seems that I'll have to stop eating that thing that I intended to recommend one daylight ago. Well, not that I have to, but I want to.

Ah.Too heaty it seems. And the works of shell food, crustaceans, fellow relations blah blah blah. They..they must somehow RESURRECT in my poor asshole. Its...its like their last gasp or something.

Anyhow, one can only imagine the enormous turmoil the humble crevice has to go through.

Yes yes, NEVER overdose on anything, good or bad.

I brought a banana to work. Feel age. Don't ask me why. Hur.

Fruit juices cost $3 at Cineleisure foodcourt. That, is robbery in every form of light.

Crazy. And you would think that by asking for LESS ICE, it would mean MORE JUICE.

Ah, I believe this is what they call...Beautiful Illusion.

To my horror, I was handed a plastic cup 3/5 filled with less ice and juice. As I recall staring at the approximately 1 and a 1/2 inch gap of AIR, speechless, I attempted a pathetic swirl of the item to ensure the vacuum is really what it appears to be. It is only then that the resigning understanding came upon me; that this is one of those moments where you are obviously ripped off, and you can't do anything abt it.

Hai. Cheated. Once again.

Now why do I always feel shortchanged.


Hmm. This is really interesting. Ok. So I've been trying to get my hands on this particular book called 84 Charing Cross Road. Since 1 and a half months back. And so, it appears out of stock at Borders, Kino, and aaaallll the Mphs. Yes, I was relentless in my efforts.

And so, Kino said it'll be coming in again 2-3 weeks time, which now, is already past that. And so it seems, after I called again to enquire and its still not available blah blah blah left my number with the helpful voice that OFFERED to place an order for me while waiting, the kind lady took the trouble to call back just to inform me ( I really REALLY appreciate it when people do things like that, even if its not a sure go, at least you let me know, and not just 'oh I'll help you check' and then the person is as good as dead.) that it is of unfortunate news that the supplier is low on stock, hence the delay, ( well hurry up print more CAN?) and if her prediction is right it shd arrive by this Fri BUT thats not a guarantee if they are again low on stock, still she will place an order for me once the

AHH.That was a long sentence.

Anyhow, what I meant to say was, after all that blah blah blah I decided to go surf ard a bit on this whats-the-fookfuckin-deal-that-not-even-a-single-copy-is-in-sight-and-its-not-even-much-talked-abt-like-da vinci's code-or-i-can't-be-bothered-to-think-of-any-other-examples-but-if-u've-been-to-the-bookstores-lately-u'll-see-an-ABUNDANCE-of-da vinci's code-lying-around-like-nobody's-business-HELL-EVEN-POPULAR-HAS-LOADS-OF-IT-the-whole-world-has-probably-bought-it-already-so-will-u-quit-printing-it-sheesh-perhaps-this-one-is-one-of-those-silent-hot-favourites-or-somethin-but-BAH-i'm-still-gettin-it-and-nothing-can-stop-me-book.

Yah.SO. I came upon this link that informs me that HEY. This novel has been made into movie. ONCE AGAIN. Is there ANYTHING that has not been BORROWED? I mean, well not that its necessarily a bad thing but it just gets to me at times but thats not what I want to get into right now YES.

And who do I spot in the movie poster. Despite the rather youngish features..HMM..I squint and I peer..HOLY GUACAMOLE.

Anthony Hopkins. Once again.

And its only a while back when I finally got my hands on the movie version of Remains of The Day, a very very delightful piece of writing ( uh once you get past the rather..tedious opening), and yes it is him that starrs as the lead.

I mean, it just felt strangely coincidentally when I spied his face out. Yes yes TWICE isn't much of a coincidence but it's just something abt the feel of it all, and the synopsis of the story, that ..that..uh. I just can't wait to read the book and watch the film lah huh.

The sun is gone. I have been typing for that long eh.