Friday, December 9

No no, its not the Spelling Bee.

jiggered (adjective) :

(British informal expletive) surprised; "Well I'm jiggered!"

jiggery-pokery (noun): trickery, hocus-pocus, slickness, hanky_panky, jiggery-pokery, skulduggery, skullduggery

verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way

jillions (noun): millions, billions, trillions, zillions, jillions

a very large indefinite number

Ok, I never knew that.

crackerjack (noun): jimdandy, jimhickey, crackerjack

something excellent of its kind; "the bike was a jimdandy"

someone excellent of their kind; "he's a jimdandy of a soldier"

And I always thought it was some sorta..sorta..thing.

slam dance (noun):

a form of dancing in which dancers slam into one another; normally performed to punk rock

What? We're not even talking about BOP? Man, can anyone even survive after the first 20 secs?

Ah well. The new things I learn everyday. (well, not everyday everyday, unless discovering that my toenails got longer, or when the fuck did this mole or moleSSS appear count as valuable/worrying information. )

Anyway, Fuck You, if you already knew all of the above and are having problems stifling your cocky cackles, but I did not invent Electricity so I am thus not Einstein which means I have the right not to know about some, certain, several, a number of things.

What was that all about?

Beats me, Master's just being touche as usual.

Right so its not Einstein, but our good man Edison.

Oh but who cares, just don't blackout on me.

Mooooooooooooore next time! Oooooooooooon..... The Learning Channel for Peasants.

Probably not. Master hardly stays put with one thing.