Monday, March 27

I Hate Kids

But not this one!



Excuse me, for such behaviour is unlike me. Cough.

But what a miracle he has bloomed into!

Oh let my fingers fly across my keys like yours now!

2 nosey parkers:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why pass up on the offer? I mean, u could at least try sending in yer resume for a change. Btw, get this, my colleague IS A PERSONAL FRIEND OF JAY CHOU. When I heard that my face went red from squealing. -wendieeee-

7:33 pm  
Blogger ςtick ףּirl said...

Pass on the offer meaning, I went through the interview already.

And I'm not taking it up.

My, you betta make sure you become her bosom buddy of some sort, you might just be HANGING out with him or something in time to come.

10:04 pm  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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