Monday, November 22

Buy me more independence will ya?

Oh fuck it.
FUCK dependence.
fuck reliance.

INFACT, The D word shdn't even exist.WHY? Cos NOBODY told u it comes tied in with the OTHER D word. Dependency leads to disappointment. Dependency will NEVER EVER be FOOLPROOF. WHEN.WHEN will u EVER fuckin LEARN JANE?

I shd bloody learn how to do more things BY myself.
Now THAT is what i SHOULD do.
THEN, i wouldnt have to go thru SEARCHING, ASKING, WAITING, PROCRASTINATING, WAVERING, DISAPPOINTMENT, LAST MINUTE REJECTIONS, ACCOMODATING, FALSE HOPES, GETTIN STRANDED, ALL OF THESE, and feel like a goddamn fool with NOTHING accomplished at the end of the day and then ure back to square one again.

So why bother? U tell me.


FUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!


Oh.I have a sudden thought.

This could be some phrase.

' Never invite, only get invited. '

BUT THEN AGAIN, THAT could backfire as well.HAHAHA.

F U C K.

Gonna order pizza and wait for America's Next Top Model to start.
THAT shd improve the day by 1/100 of a notch.

Im so tired of all these goddamnit.Honestly.