Saturday, November 27

Its a Baton Relay.

Last night, was some night.

Dinner at Amici was pretty alright.Tried the Marinara.Stingy portions of seafood, but fresh.
Anyways, finally met up with Pebble after a 1000 years. Certaintly had SOME talk thru dinner.
Came home with some of the scenes u described spinning in my head. Never would i have imagined.Never. AND, really.Don't keep such major shit to yerself next time.Ok perhaps max 2 days.Its incredibly unhealthy. And to think that all the while i thought everything was no problemos happy yeeha.To be honest, i felt kinda shitty as a friend to only know all that after it has all happened and ended. In conclusion, addition to the list of year end resolutions: Am gonna be MORE attentive to the people around me.

Okay.Movin on.

Ah yes. Walas. The last one, till 2 weeks later.Hah.Hana just 2 weeks only.Well strangely, i see this 2 weeks as a call for me to get down to business.Afterall, i've got a deadline to meet.DEC 2 IS the big day.LOOMING. LooooOOOOoming.

ANywas, it was really a baton relay last night.Walas that is.Now, let me run you thru the marathon.

FIRSTLY, i went up with Pebolas after dinner.

Then, Pris and her 2 other friends came shortly after.

(Ah.Happy happy, friends and music.)

(OH and by the way, think the band is gettin SLACKER AND SLACKER.geez.Starting at 10PM now, taking longer breaks and SHORTER sets, and ending at 1.20am ON the dot, instead of the usual extensions.I hope it isn't a case of fame, but routine and temporary weariness; cos i really dig them and the whole energy.)

Jinghui came! Yes.OBS group mate in SEC 3. After 7 years, we met up. Haha odd odd.7 freakin years. I actually thought we might have trouble recognising each other.

Alrite, then he stood right beside a bunch of guys for like quite sometime before exclaiming into a 'HEY'..and then a 'HEY.....HEY HEY HEY'.Apparently, the ENTIRE bunch were his friends.

Friends galore that night.

Ok u haven't heard the rest.

So Pebloas had signs of wanting to leave soon, cos she's tired.

And Miss Pris had the USUAL itch to go clubbing AGAIN.

Pris:Jane u wanna go ZOUK?

Me:Its FRI. U don't even like house music.

Pris: Ok ok how about Phuture?

Me: I told u i don't like Hei Ren music.

Pris and friend:How about we go velvet underground?

Me: No no no i don't wanna go ANYWHERE, i just wanna stay HERE.


Miss Ziyi-Shishi-Yiyi. WHEN will u get this right. When i've made up my mind on one place ( ESP if its walas), i'll usually be there, and STAY there.I won't whiz off to HERE AND THERE halfway to go BOOGIE WOOGIE.

Ok, so Pris and friends took off.

Pebolas: wut time are u leaving?

(Panic time. Quick THINK THINK.Who else might be here that i can join?i don't wanna goooooo!Ok actually not much panic, cos im used to it liao.Bah.)

Turns to Jinghui: OI are u gonna stay for the entire set?

And he says he might be going off to catch a movie.


Ok then right at that moment,ray calls, asking if im there and he wants to come up.

THEN, he insists that i go down and look for him.And i refuse cos the band is playing.But i go anyway after a while.

So he's there outside walas, with a girl and a dog.And he tells me he can't go up cos theres a dog.

WTF?Then u still tell me u wanna come up?And then u bug me to go downstairs AND U TELL ME U CAN'T COME UP COS THERES A DOG?!!AND i don't even DIG DOGS. Ray.

SO i go back up.

Decided to just HECK things and enjoy the band while my time there slowly expires.

::After some time::

RAY smsed.And smsed.again.Saying he's coming up now.And i can't tell whether he's actually queuing, or he's just INTENDING to come up. Cos he asks me things like, wut time am i leaving, am i gonna stay and kept bugging me to COME down. ISN'T it OBVIOUS?U know me, and this is WALAS we're talking about.GEEZ. And hello?im not gonna come down AGAIN to look for u and listen to u bitch and decide whether ure comin up or not.I just think thats selfish.Like u don't even bother to acknowledge the fact that i'm with my friends as well.
So after 10 mins of smsing, its still ambiguous.So im like whatever.THEN he starts bitching about the LONG queue, how its NOT moving, and how he has already been queuing for 10 mins.


Ok so he IS coming up.Then he tells me to come down again, saying its WEIRD being there alone.

Its just queueing up.

Bitch and bitch.

*shakes head*

I mean, i'm up there with my friends as well.U want me to just go down and PEI u cos u've been queueing for a LOOONG 10 mins.Sigh.I mean, if u really wanna come up, u just have to queue.Not that its anything new.We all have to queue. If its halfhearted and all, then don't bother? Nobody's forcing u.

Anyway Pebble left so i just stayed there with Jh and his friends.

And ray finally came up.And after he found out i'm with some friends, he starts bitching again abt how i betta not leave him out..bitch bitch bitch.
I don't LEAVE MY FRIENDS OUT ALRITE?EVEN if its an aqqaintance, but who's joining ME, i believe i have the BASIC human decency to 'take care' of u.SHEESH. And can't u just HANDLE yerself for a FEW minutes alone?We all have to inevitably sometimes.


So i go back, and found Jh alone.His friend's have left.

And ray threatens to leave , the moment i said i saw another friend and am gonna talk to her for a while. I can't even inch a foot to say HI?


Ok whatever. Anyway i bumped into JINGZONG.Wendy yes u know.

Then i bumped into Khor Kai, Dawn's friend. Shane's Dawn's friend.

Was all quite surprising.And finally got the right hp number of shane's from her.They keep CHANGING AND CHANGING its like impossible to get in touch with them.

( Im gettin tired from writing this entry)

Anyway Jinghui left for the show.And R now says hes gonna meet his friends in town.Really.Why didnt u tell me that at the very start?instead of when i ask if ure gonna stay til the end?u say YAH LAH.I really can't stand it when people do that.

THEN( whats new), after a while, he said he's going home instead.He's tired. And he's just gonna leave me there.And he can still laugh and say' Then i leave, u how ah?' Im not even gonna bother commenting on that.SHEESH. Didnt even OFFER to stay with me.Though he did make ONE offer.' Well if u leave now i can send u home'. HAHAHA LIKE RIGHT.Thats a really nice gesture.I hope he honestly didn't think it was.GEEZ.What do u take me for?Really.I mean, u don't have to stay just cos i need company, but not after u said u were gonna stay barely a while ago.I just felt so ask me if im up, and u wanna join me.Im like ok.U ask me to come down to look for u,I come down.Then when i ask if u could stay til the end with me, u say OK then OTHERWISE.And u have NO qualms about just leaving me there alone.Really. Im just glad im able to handle this BETTER now.No point lettin it get to me.

Basic human decency.Where for art thou?
I just feel some people are absolutely oblivious, OBLIVIOUS to these things.Or am i expecting too much outta people?But thats how i'll treat people, and BY DEFAULT, i'd like to think thats the way people shd treat me as well.Unfortunately, its not the case. However, Basic Human Decency. I'm still gonna stand by my beliefs.Whether people abide by them or not.

Anyfreakinhow, picking up Pam's skills, i thought to myself.No big deal.No harm.
So i just asked Khor Kai if i could crash in with her friend cos mine was leavin.

And of cos people would say OK right?Unless they were leaving too.Then being the ALERT me, i wanted to make sure first.So i asked her if there was any cause of me being a lamp post if i joined them..heh.Yeah.Same genre as Shane. Well she said no no.

ALAMAK.Luckily ..LUCKILY.I caught her hand ROUND the girl friend's waist.So it's a GIRLFRIEND.
Whoopsie Daisy.

But no, stubborn me still refused to leave.I could handle this on my own.I can do it.ACK.

So after Miss whiny queen left, i just sat there at the bar. Uh COOLY offered his seat to Khor Kai.And so me, Khor Kai, and her beau sat there at the bar.Nvm.

I just minded my own business and soaked into the music and everything, and tried to maintain minimal conversation.( The girlfriend didnt look TOOOOOO friendly u see.Ah)

But all was fine.All was fine.Chatted a WEE bit.and the night ended.

Off i home. Sweet home.


4 nosey parkers:

Blogger allie said...

It's Ray we're talking about here. I'm not surprise at all. Hahaha!!! He's still the same I see. Poor thing.

And I miss the food at Amici. Though the last time I went there it wasn't a pleasant experience. I hope they changed the staff so they won't recognise me. Paiseh.

The trick is to just go make friends at Walas, you know... regulars. So that, you don't have to bother if your friends are going with you. U remind me of those days when I was clubbing at Siam Supper Club.

1:24 pm  
Blogger ςtick ףּirl said...

Roxy: Oh no.Then I'm afraid I'll prob stop hanging out at the place.The reason I'm there is cos of the band.Simple as that.Its the band that gives the whole good overall they're gonna lose that, then its just too bad.

11:49 pm  
Blogger ςtick ףּirl said...

BW: How CAN i identify when there is no one top start with?Though there used to be someone, or at least i thought so.But well, sometimes i guess,the attached status kinda erased that all together, for some cases.Or rather, its telling me at the back of my head,not to bother calling them out anymore.Cos things just feel different altogther.Pity.

Alicia:WHAT happened at Amici?And i'm kinda excited for u in yer new job to be.Youuuuuu goooooo grrrrrrrl.Rar.

11:54 pm  
Blogger ςtick ףּirl said...

BW: How CAN i identify when there is no one top start with?Though there used to be someone, or at least i thought so.But well, sometimes i guess,the attached status kinda erased that all together, for some cases.Or rather, its telling me at the back of my head,not to bother calling them out anymore.Cos things just feel different altogther.Pity.

Alicia:WHAT happened at Amici?And i'm kinda excited for u in yer new job to be.Youuuuuu goooooo grrrrrrrl.Rar.

11:57 pm  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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