Tuesday, November 23

Some advice are just worth listening to again.

On telling someone how u really feel, be it having to risk starting an argument.

jinghui : 1 more day.... says:
eh... if that friend is someone important to u, then u better tell that person face to face. if its someone not important, then cut them loose

jinghui : 1 more day.... says:
its easy for me to tell u to take things easy, but its not that simple. this sort of things, it simmers then it boils. and it takes quite a while to cool down

jinghui : 1 more day.... says:
if u don't get it of ur chest, then i think its gonna be quite torturous for u

How very true.

Who says its tiring being a pressure cooker?

I'm absolutely exhausted.

But do u even know that its cookin in me?

Most of you don't.

Yes i can be cool about lotsa things.But not everything. not EVERYTIME.

Esp when it comes to a point where i find myself being taken for granted.

But its becos ure my friend, that i choose to just boil and simmer than explode right in yer face.

Friendfuckinship.Relationships.People-to-people-ship. I overrate it. So i only have myself to blame.

Yes.Im finally saying it.

I am utterly disappointed.

Who said im being oh-so-u-think-ure-so-magnanimous?

Im no saint.

I just self-torture.

And i seem to love it don't i?