Tuesday, November 23

Such a FULLfilling day!

Woke up at 3.

Had lunchers at 4.

On a whim, decided to ask a fren over and whip somethin up but ended up having a sudden surge of lethargy after lunch and needed to crash so ALL plans were trashed.

Napped till 7.30pm.

Turned on the tube. Switched between Mtv and TOPFUN(cringe factor 1. but hey.if i understood malay i would have tuned into Suria.) watchin 6 teams of teenage kiddo girls IMITATE the artiste on the set...S.H.E. (cringe factor 2.)

Ate the remaining bit of fried kway tiao.

Pinched off a piece of corn bread.

9pm. Switched on the comp.

Talked on the phone.

A fixed date got called off.


Switched off the comp.

9.45pm. Called for pizza delivery.

Watched America's Next Top Model while pigging out in total 4 slices of pizza and a glass of punch.

Fuck. What do u take me as?Some kinda GLUTTON?

Yes i am. And never a guilty one.

Ever saw a pregnant praying mantis?

My gut is bigger than my boobs.


2am plus.

Pamster The Music Snob called.

We yakked.

And yakked.


3.30am plus her fone dies.My fone died a sec after.

Its always incredible to know that even if u haven't seen or talked to someone for a long long time, it just feels like home again when u do.

And the day ends. (but not before i finish devouring my chocolate fudge)

Swell ain't it?

And as i type, a new dawn begins.

Good morning Nov 23rd.Tuesday.

1 nosey parkers:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww so sweet. muah
- pee*ess

3:33 am  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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