Saturday, December 25

Christmas is Chaos

Last night, Orchard turned into some kinda warzone.

That is, almost every fuckin stupid person was armed with a spray can.

They were EVERYWHERE, lying in ambush.

Those monotonously strolling past..
Those marching down the roads with a hideously determined grin on their faces that wrote " target! target! target!" ...
Those stationed at different points of the roads...
Those spraying amongst themselves in groups thus unintentionally spreading their JOY over to unwilling recipients...


As me and Zr tried to make our way thru the Herd, we prob tried our best or rather we didnt even have to try, had a permanently pissed off ' dont u dare spray that shit at me' appearance.

Some boy at a STATION POINT attacked Zr's face.To her IMMENSE displeasure.

Some fuckin ah neh sprayed into my EAR.Perhaps he didnt have much of an aim, cos HIM and his group of friends, foreign i gather, from the attire, were just walking aimless armed with those little motherfuckers.(as with hundreds of other pepole) So it was a MEEK attempt of a spray. They prob just wanted to JOIN IN THE FUN..u know..EVERYONE'S GETTIN ONE..OoOO Lets get one too..but were not certain abt how it shd go abt..

Anyfuckin how.Apparently some bastard organisations were holding cartons of spray cans, marching along the pavements selling to people..HENCE, the rampant availability i gather.


While we were in a cab, we passed by some hideously jolly maniacs,stationed at this cityhall bustop, ALL plastered with MANIACAL grins on their faces. So the traffic was slow right?
Ah, as the vehicles inched down the road, ONE of the joymakers ( probably the representative) DASHED onto the road, chose one LUCKY vehicle and PASTED something on it, then DASHED back to the pavement.


If i could take a picture of that LOOK OF ZEALOUSNESS AND SATISFACTION he had on his face as he PINK PANTHERED in LIGHTNING speed thru n fro back to his thrilled trembling compatriots, u MIGHT just wanna hold back any 'JANE.don't EXAGGERATE.'

Yes.I do not kid.
He pink panthered.With knees all high and running on toes.

God.Has the Christmas spirit turned into some MONSTER OF LAME MADNESS?Possessing all these people?

Well im just glad it hasnt hit me.I'll rather be ol' scrooge any other day than to partake in these little thrills.

And oh.If u were actually one of them joyseekers yesterday?

Shame On You.

3 nosey parkers:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hong: ok la you got sprayed on the ear only..i got "attacked" by 2 girls in a pub and they sprayed all over my hair until it turned white. even got some foams in my jug of whiskey. basket.

2:23 am  
Blogger allie said...

Wahaha!!! U r so funny. I can so imagine that look on your face.

Anyway, remember we're having dinner on Thursday. Ok, I promise not to bring any spray cans of that sort. :P

12:17 pm  
Blogger ςtick ףּirl said...

couldnt u..RUN AWAY?

3:48 pm  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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