Tuesday, December 21

Randoms and Nightmares

Its been almost a WEEK.An ENTIRE bloody week of nonstop dreams/nightmares.
Blame it all on the late night dinners..4 5 am turn ins..ARGH. This HAS to stop.
So freakin impossible to break the bloody cycle.
I wake up feeling as if i've been out all day doing things WHEN i was sleeping.Don't get me wrong. It's not necessarily a TIRED feeling..just..overloaded.Yeah.Overloaded.


Bloody headache.Late night baths.STOP THIS YOU!!$%#$!@

Right at this very moment?Dead man walkin would be quite apt a term.
I feel dead.But im wide awake.And i'm going right back to bed after i'm done with the keyboard.

Last night was no nightmare..just a series of LONG RANDOM scenes..which include one of me ordering the chicken cutlet from Nus..cos i wanted to have it so badly, then i kept poking n poking around at the slab of meat..and that was the end.I woke up. WOKE UP TO A PHONE CONVERSATION OF MY MOM speaking to The Kid *insert any kinda scary music* ...' Oh!(mom sounding excited and switching to childlike talk) U can today ah?OKOKOKOK LOH 12.30pm ah?OKOKOKO SEE uuuuuu' .

Fuck.I swear.I flinched in bed.Waking up to THAT is just NOT GOOD.
Its almost as bad as waking up to see that the construction people have accidentally drilled a hole through my wall.

ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!As i was just enjoying peace and silence!!!!!!!!!!!!

w....e......e.......p...s........christmas is c..o..ming......don't d..o......t..h...i....s.....to....m.....e...........

*Heaves a sigh of resignation to fate.* Smelly fate.

It can't be that bad.It can't be THAT bad. (even though it HAD been very bad)

*tries to ignore looming self/externally inflicted torment*
A recent anime film ( first proper in fact, cos i was NEVER an anime watcher) that i caught.

Ghost In The Shell
Ghost In The Shell 2 : Innocence

When it comes to storylines and DEPTH..u gotta hand it to the Japanese.

Coincidentally, i also downloaded the 1st part of X-Japan's Dahlia Concert Tour at Tokyo Dome.
Yet another Japanese entertainment.

And the thing that baffles me is, i never ever bothered to go check out X-Japan's stuff.Yeah i have a couple of their songs.4 to be exact.But that's that.Never knew who were the guys that consisted this supposedly huge legend.If Gnr or the Beatles were epics of Western music, X-Japan were definitely king of the jrock scene at some point of time.Yeah anyway, so 2 days ago,a sudden urge to listen to their stuff just rose from no where.

So i took 1 step further, and decided to check out their videos instead.

Fuck man.I tell u.Yeah. I prob muttered those first 2 words like more than 10 times throughout the first disc.It was THAT amazing.And i'm not even a huge fan of hardcore rock.Gnr and those excessive sounds of electric guitars, undecipherable shrieks just never worked for me. Well yeah i know Chestor screams alot.But they're not rock per se.They're fusion.SO ANYWAYYYYY...yesyes i can't help it..description can never be enough for anything brilliant.

If ure a fan of rock, u'll LOVE it.I was blown away.No wait.more like froze with amazement.I swear. Just watching them play through a SCREEN got my heart so flighty that it was THIS close to taking off. God. Brilliant.The drummer was a sight to behold. Well ok like i said, i was never a big fan of heavy rock so i wouldnt really know how drummers of heavy rock bands would BE like..but that dude was CRAZY at working the snares. His hands were flying all over and its MAJOR HEAD AND BODY BANGING.NOTHING I'VE SEEN.NOTHING.Drumming is taken to a whole new level.yeah yeah i know i sound like some frog in the well but SERIOUSLY.of all the so called ' ROCK BANDS' i've seen on tv and all..NOTHING COMPARES. as yet. (though a friend tells me later that the drummer from Slipknot hits the bass pedal like he's literally RUNNING...now that i would like to see.)

And have i already mentioned that i don't dig electric guitars that much?Well yeah Steve at from EIC is good.But thats cos their genre of music never required those irritating excessive shrieks ( yes shrieks i call them) that elec gs are capable of producing. Besides, stuff like Steve Vai and the likes..is just too monotonous for me.An entire 5-7 mins of JUST electric guitar..just doesn't work for me.

BUT THIS GUY.HIDE.from X-Japan.I actually found myself ENJOYING his bits of solo immensely.HARDLY any shrieks..just brilliant playing, brilliant melodies.Who says u have to go all high pitch and shit, adding sudden distortions just to JAZZ it all up?The guy was using mostly midrange sounding chords, hardly anything high..and it was..sweet.

I'm actually feeling a mild adrenaline rush by just reliving the moment of watching them last night on black and white.

Can't wait til the 2nd and 3rd discs are done.

Big big big pity that the Hide guy is gone.

And im not sure if the band has been dissolved.But even if they're gonna produce anything new after the hiatus, its not gonna be the same without that kickass elec guitarist.

But hey, i guess its good enough that they rocked the world once.And with wonderful IT and all..late discoverers or people born after their era will still be able to enjoy their brilliance.

People may die.But their music lives forever.If it was any good of cos. ( and once again, it doesn't have to mean music in its most literal form. People strike chords in us once in a while don't they?)

Ok ok.Before this entry sounds any more like a fan forum, I'm gonna hit the sack for another 40 mins.

1 nosey parkers:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yoshiki is with a new group called GLOBE... *if i'm not wrong* jwen

8:54 pm  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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