Sunday, October 23


Cons of a black keyboard. Just one.

Typing in the dark is THE PITS.

On a more melodious note ( HAWHAWHAW.) , 6 hours of ktving is nonsense man.

It's like, one has probably sung every possible song in every possible category. And mind you, it was just two peepol. Two.

We were either Mad, or.....simply on a roll.

Fun it certainly was, but I MUST say, the 2 roomer was absolutely hoooorrendous. Or maybe I suddenly realised that I was claustrophobic. I may be microscopic, but I really really really prefer to have BEEG BEEG space around me, be it to stretch, move, roll, or

In other words, I'm one that needs substantial room to breathe, literally and metaphorically.

And the selection setup for the English and Japanese categories was painfully stupid. And I haven't even started on the disturbingly TERRIBLE mtvs, as well as the missing audio for the Nihongo tracks.


BLAH them. BLAHHHHHHHH them I say.

Oh look. Birds chirping. Night night tiny tots.

I meant rots really.

2 nosey parkers:

Blogger allie said...

Who did you go with finally?

4:06 pm  
Blogger ςtick ףּirl said...


2:14 pm  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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