Wednesday, February 1

P r o o o o o o z a c

Have you tried it? Does it actually work?

What's going on?

I don't have a clue.

Cept that it doesn't feel too good.

Pick me up and fly me away won't you?

Have you tried it? Does it actually work?

Are they like tic tacs?

Have you tried it?

Have you tried it?

Sanity check.

Over and out.

2 nosey parkers:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

geeeees janes, you don't neeed it. At least, u certainly don't WISH you neeed it.

3:55 am  
Blogger Claryce said...

aye. new blog new blog.

haha. see you on march 2nd.

6:37 pm  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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