Monday, July 19

Back From The Dead.

4 days away from the comp proved to be too much to handle.Damn i'm addicted to this contraption.I can live without TV, but not the comp.38 bucks spent on my baby.For a new power ss that is.Hopefully this one wouldn't burn out on me too soon.

Feelin pretty good recently.And i guess i am.Funny the timing.hmm.well not gonna ponder on that.'Fixing the comp' day was pretty good as well.Had meiyan to land me a helping hand in bringing the shit down to simlim,and daisy was there to help as well.givin opinions and advice on the techni part, and carrying the shit all the time while we check out the diff rates.Eventually, he even helped me fix in the power ss .Meiyan u reading this?Yes, i guess my impression of him has changed for the better.(not as if i had much of an impression of him to start with,only HEARD stuff abt him, never really MET or TALK to him) He did seem sincerely helpful and thoughtful. Only, he has to learn to stop stepping on yer shoes. Anyhow, am really thankful for his help, and yers too. Really. A healthy comp makes me one happy lass.

Had to leave the shit at work.And, it was like a saviour call.or something.More than a pleasant surprise when i received a call from Alicia right after i was abt to knock off, askin me where i was. Couldn't BELIEVE my luck when she said she was in the vicinity.So i crashed in with them for dinner.Yes, she was with her beau.Usually, i would have gladly and politely avoided such outings.BUT, it was as if the call was an answer to help in my bringing of the lil bitch home. I think the first thing that shot out of my mouth was ' eat dinner with me or yay now i have a person to help me carry my shit to the mrt' . Totally forgetting whether she was with her beau or not. *gulp* heh.
Whoops whoops.But it wasnt too bad, her beau's a pretty nice dude, n so it was preeeeeeeeetty comfortable CRASHING in with them.(of cos NEVER AGAIN.) Had dinner with them, COULDNT PAY THEM /HER as usual.*MUTTERS* god noes how MUCH i owe pple treats when i start work.*cries* ahhhhh.but well.good frens deserve all the treats they can get.even though it might damage the pocket a lil. *pls note* Yes lemme go on.They sent me home, and her beau helped me carry the shit up to my door.Such HELPFUL pple.This world is in serious lack of HELPFUL pple.Sincere ones that is. Felt like i had hardly lifted a finger throughout the whole experience. Just had this nice blessed feeling when i finally reached home, placing my baby on the table.To have such NICE frens.To have pple helping u.Well, perhaps its cos im not the kind who readily seeks for help. Whether its for the saving face issue, or just thinkin im able to settle things by myself, i guess im just used to being independent most of the time.Which sucks.Sometimes.When help is right at yer face, and u just refuse to ask for it. Im deviating once again.

Went for 'Baybeats' today.Was great.Funny thing was, the morning after i woke up, kinda had this sian feeling abt it, not too sure y,but thank god i went down.Was just a pretty good experience.pity i missed out the fri and sats bad.OH.Only SHITTY thing was, I WAS LATE AGAIN.yes whats NEW.Late, JUST in time to catch marcus's band doing their LAST 10 SECS of their LAST SONG.incredible.Bah.i really MUST do something abt my unpunctuality don't i. Electrico and Last Days of April were fabulous.Wendyyyyyyyyy u MUST go next year.Its all the emo punk u can get in a day!
Ahhh. Was a good day all in all. n to end it all, i must have a stomachache now.fuck.