Monday, December 27

The Joys and Pains of Late Night Consumptions.

First, nightmares.( as if thats not enough)

Second, damage in the pocket. ( past midnight, u don't have much choices, less u've got a vehicle. and Note: Damage does not refer to just 1 time affairs;accumulative.)

Third, funny tummy.

Last night's supper with Eunice was pure food fun.
We went home dirty, full, and happy girls.

Yes.And you would think eating at a coffeeshop shd be a rather cheap affair.
Oh u don't know me.Even at the cheapest places, i'm still able to SPEND somehow.

Sigh. Tis the downfall of a glutton.

Well i WAS hesistant abt ordering CRABS...cos its REALLY cheap.
But as Eunice said 'AIYA,want to eat JUST order'.

Wow.As if we didnt have to pay or something. But oh well, ..weakness.Tis our weakness.

So. From my initial proposal of prata and wings, the lineup became this:

1) ONE Sri Lanka chili crab. Yes thats already 16 bucks. Sigh, these Indian crustaceans.
2) Plain bread ( thats for her)
3) Kaya Toast ( greedy me)
4) 2 chicken wings ( a humble end after the seemingly long crab plucking session)
5) Teh susu (me)
6) Very smelly fingers.

Doesn't seem much right?
Well but it was.
And not that the gravy was anything spicy or wut, but prob the very consumption of chilli that late did some evils to the tummy.
Oh.and perhaps the consumption of cold teh susu as well..yeah..the drink turned cold after a Long while.
Shat like 3 times.Visited the toilet like 6 times from last night til now.
80% is out.Quite tedious.
Tossed and turned and groaned the whole night.Fuckin crab must have resurrected in me.
The joys of a spicy asshole makes me want to cry.


3 nosey parkers:

Blogger allie said...

Hope u recover soon. Coz you're so sharing the spicy seafood soup at Cha3 with me on thursday, yah?

10:00 am  
Blogger ςtick ףּirl said...

could we have our OWN bowls each?

2:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.

6:52 pm  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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