Sunday, January 23

Qian Nian Lao Yao

'Its like yer natural hair colour.Just lighter.'

'U look like a doll!'

'U look fresh and younger'

'Do u buy coloured contacts?I think u shd.Match the hair.'

'Zhen de hen hao kan.Nong ni zheng ge ren geng mei.'

'Really.The colour is very nice.Very stylo.'

'Changes yer whole outlook.U look like a different person.'

'U look like a dying vampire.'

'U actually look like a witch.'

'Not like its a bad thing..'

'Hmm..its actually quite cool.Very goth.But the thing is u don't LOOK goth.Doesn't really go with the usual stuff u wear.'

The various comments i got on my new hair.
And i expect more to come.
Brave yerself.


I second the vampire notion.
In addition, i'd like to bring in Bai Fa Mo Nu as well as Japanese Goth gone wrong.

Ima Witch Wannabe.Hooray.

Now where did that broom go...

3 nosey parkers:

Blogger allie said...

Let's MEET! I wanna see your NEW stylo hair colour!!!

4:02 pm  
Blogger ςtick ףּirl said...

I didn't say u looked like an AUNTIE from the 60s.
A LADY/YOUNG PERSON from the 60s.Hence, a Ghost from the 60s since ure living in the present century.


2:50 pm  
Blogger allie said...

Saw it. Not that bad lah. Quite cool. But must wear the cool kind of clothes to match with the cool coloured hair.

11:31 pm  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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