Tuesday, February 8

The Ride Home

Yeah.So i was pretty tired and just wanted to have some peace and rest my legs.


This girl beside me, 1/4 way thru MY journey, she started to SING.or shd i say squawk.I don't know.For a moment, i HONESTLY didn't know if she was trying to mimick Minnie or Elmo or it was her actual voice.

So it was her actual voice.

NO im certainly not saying im anything near Mariah Carey, but if ure gonna sing at SUCH decibels that would obviously allow others to TUNE IN to yer performance,PLUS u sing in such a way where u think u sound all ' uh uh uh' cool and shit (but how can u tell?! OH TRUST ME.u CAN.and if U can't , well let ME tell u then.oooo bitchey.BAH.), don't blame yer audience for turning the critical eye on.(And im not even a willing audience in the first place!).

And to make things worse, she had to do BRITNEY SPEARS.ONE AFTER ANOTHER.It was as if she was giving herself OR her friend sitting beside her a personal concert.Yes.And those within the audible radius.Jesus.Seriously.I say CONCERT, its because she was singing at a rather AUDIBLE level.So i thought, hmm perhaps she has her earphones on or something so she didn't realise how loud she was singing huh?But no.No ear phones nothing.Just pressing the buttons on her mobile nonstop.Just like her singing.She was on a ROLL baby.A MEDLEY my friend.For a moment, it was like having a radio beside me, playing all these terrible songs and i couldn't switch it off.The only difference is, unlike a radio, she doesn't do the whole song, she sings only a couple of lines, her favourite ones i suppose, sometimes its the intro, then she jumps to the chorus, and sometimes she'll repeat her selected combination of lines, and then on to the next song.

The guy BESIDE me , meaning 2 seats away from her, turned to stare for a while after she was doing her 4th or 5th item.

To summarize it all, it was a very...one-of-THOSE-american idol kinda auditions.

I tried REALLY hard to channel my attention to a particular focus point.
Blinking and blinking my eyes, to avoid them from rolling.
Clutched my bag's sling everytime i had to expel a cringe.
Every time the train hits another station nearer to my destination, i just got more geared up to be ready to fly.
My feet were shifty.
And my clutch on the sling just got tighter and tighter as she went from Toxic to My Prerogative.

I just wanted to reach my station A.S.A.P.


*Bouna Vista*
*SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..* >>sliding door sound.(Why don't U try puttin THAT into words before laughing at my attempt.Bah.)

Peace at last.
Peace at last.

OH.and i forgot to mention.
Right OPPOSITE me was somebody with a really..*and i make a face that says 'WTF?'and halve a cringe* message alert tone. Shim was busying TAPPING/PENNING on her palm top pretty vigorously ( i say vigorously because i could HEAR the taps from where i was sitting.) ...till i heard a robotic male voice from the gadget say 'Hello.Are you there?' .


And so there were subsequent 'Hello.Are..*cut off*', 'Hello.*cut off*' alerts.



At least i'll have something to block off all these annoying sights and hearings when im on my train adventures.

And no, these people aren't KIDS.Neither are they YOUNG teens.

2 nosey parkers:

Blogger ςtick ףּirl said...

tsk tsk.And Mr SPEND SPEND SPEND speaks again.
MP3 PLAYER u mean..y must it be an IPOD.u say it as if an MP3PLAYER=An IPOD.

tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk.

7:39 pm  
Blogger allie said...

Eh, join me. I'm saving up for an mp3 player, too. Really need one since my work place is so freaking far.

12:13 am  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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