Monday, March 14

Avril Lavigne

Biwei actually doesn't mind going to her concert.Gee.Imagine both of us bopping amongst the teeny boppers.Teeny punkers rather. With their leather wrist bands, studded accessories, boxers revealing 7/8s, Vans sneakers ( oh im not sure wuts the IN replacement for that now) and then us foggy woggys. That would be a rather...odd scene.


Yes.this song.
The moment i heard was..FUCK.ITS SO LINKIN PARKISH.
No im not saying i hate it..I LOVE IT.
Seriously.Did Mike Shinoda write it for her?
Even the first 2 seconds of the song sounds TOO MUCH like the beginning of Somewhere I Belong.

And this part.

All the thoughts lead back to you
Back to what
Was never said
Back and forth
Inside my head
I can't handle this confusion


And this.The bridge part.

I'm going nowhere on and on and
I'm getting nowhere on and on and

Can u imagine Chestor wincing to it painfully yet melodiously?

So there. Djane's take on the song.

Oh well.As unique as Linkin Park may sound, music was and is never something that has boundaries.And well, even if they do have any, its all very much permeable.So i guess, the overlapping of sounds now and then is truly inevitable eh?(that doesn't include copycats mind u)

I mean , think abt it. How possible it is really, to say that THIS sound belongs to THIS artiste or that. People tend to proprietate things to those that 'came out first'.Sure, if nobody else on this face of Earth was ever similar to them at that point in time, well go ahead and have them the rightful owners.But only after u've honestly checked across the surface of Earth yes?

Music isn't really the same, or clear cut as in inventions and patents isnt it?Its really way more complex.Something u can't simply put yer finger on with just a couple of letters that spell Genre.Its really all done for the sake of distinguishing on from another. Being dif-fe-rent. Ease confusion.

So be careful the next time u tell someone u only listen to ROCK music. 'hey but isnt' that song..POP rock?

Sometimes, words are just words.Wut's in a title?Its just a title. Don't get too caught up with it, really.

Yes i do realise the point of my entry isn't exactly a straightcourse.Well not that it bugs u does it? I just speak wutever comes to mind.

Im not sorry if anyone who reads this didn't quite follow my train of thoughts.
It's not for your comprehension purposes anyway.


1 nosey parkers:

Blogger ςtick ףּirl said...

u go try Wendy.

(and its AVRIL)


OH.y dont u ask keith?

10:35 pm  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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