Tuesday, March 29

Y do humans smell?So bad.

Thats cos, despite being at the top of the animal kingdom, we are still very much the wretched mammals that live and breathe through the wretched ways of biological make up.We react to our instinctsAnd despite being given( not blessed) a brain that is 100 times more enhanced than our fellow mammals, some have obviously left it to vegetate, decompose, or fill it up soil. That must explain the unmistakenable smell of the human race.And yes, its much more complex than that of a dog, or a hamster that hasn't had a good scrub for days.

But whatever it is, it's nothing lovely.

Rancid. I like how the word and the way it sounds fit what my nose's sensors picked up.

I sliced(not off) my finger at work today.
Don't u hate it when the more u try to be careful the more u slip?
It's times like these that u feel like kicking yerself in the head.

I hate getting bruises and cuts. Yes who does.
But I do take very, very high precautions in avoiding any form of bodily abrasions.
And so today I slipped.
And its been a long time since I last saw my own blood.
And for the 2nd time, I had the opportunity to witness it oozing out before it oozed out.
The 1st time was during a treacherous fall on the steps of an escalator.A cut deep enough for me to see the white and then pale pink of my flesh beneath my charcoal coloured skin back then.Time taken for crimson rivers to roll?Probably about 2-3mins.And mind you, for a cut that deep, 2-3mins seemed like eternity. 'FUCK.FLESH! eh WHERES THE BLOOD?!'

Today. It clocked approximately 20-30 secs.Less worrying yes.As i only went as far as ' FUCK.SKIN! eh WHERES THE ' and i decided to quicken its pace and squeeze the surrounding areas of the cut. And there it was.

Why do i find myself doing an indepth writeup on this i do not know. So hereby let me continue.

The familiar woozy feeling came rushing back to me as I know that crimson is flowing OUT and away.Didn't like that.Never liked the woozy feeling.Not like it was a pail or a puddle, but i guess feelings can be tricky eh? Its all in the mind. Aaall....in..the....mind.

No im not secretly hoping that i would injure myself more often, but the rarity of that occurence conjoured this strange urge of curiosity to take a proper look at my crimson river. Mine.

I never did. Cos the very picture of it induces uncertainty and fear in me. I can't really explain it in exact terms. But its the feeling of seeing something so real, that magnifies one's awareness of his very living existence.That what is infront of him is a reflection of his reality.

And so i did.For perhaps..5 secs.Like i said, in certain situations, a split passing moment could feel like eternity.And so, i had my fill for 5 secs.And that was enough.

Sometimes i touch myself (not in the colourful sense obviously, do you see this writeup going anywhere in the line of porn?) and feel as if im touching someone else. 'That's not me.I don't feel like that'.

When i get pins and needles, that feeling is heightened. Everytime my pins and needled limb accidentally or intentionally comes in contact with an unaffected limb, it feels REALLY odd. Like i'm suddenly in the shoes of another person, and I know how it feels to the person when he whacks my hand.or something like that.

And now, how does the afore 2 paragraphs link the chunk about stinky humans and my crimson river? Once again, i do not know.For i have been in a rather queer mood of late.

So let me not get bothered with that.After all, the joy of no ( or MINIMUM) obligations and regulations in writing a diary is what makes it so...attractive.Nobody CAN judge u, only yourself.Well yeah they can, but they can't. U following me here?

Oh.Did i mention that i ate half a bowl fulla banana nut crunch with milk only to realise that it was floating with little bugs. Such joy.

And so the parent went to investigate the package only to have a nasty surprise of a million more little bugs running around the cornflakes.

As my spoon hovered above my bowl on hold, while the parent was doing the checks, I was trying hard to channel all my concentration on battling the shock and assuming a most nonchalant air when i caught sight of the many black little dots moving around in quick motions IN AND OUT of the contains in the package from afar.

Its ok.All is cool. I kept telling myself. Its like ' Fear Factor' .Nothing to it.Nothing to it.