Monday, July 19


Has been a heaty day.Hot weather.Heaty food. n i've been havin this weird warmth in my left ankle for a couple of days.weird.i hope its nothing big.ack.

Really full.Wendy n i couldnt resist the mon special.$19.95 for pizza, 2 loaves of garlic bread, breadsticks, nachos AND wings.We ate ourselves silly.But it feels good.Spent the evening watching High Fidelity.BAD BAD. Guess i'm never gonna finish reading the book after watching the movie.We didnt even finish watching it.Extremely, UNstimulating.Or maybe, its just a guy's show.Thank god i DOWNLOADED it.HAH.

Had a really weird dream this morn.Well, whats new.I'm always having these bizarre things goin on in my head when my conscious is taking a nap.Don't wanna think abt it.N I hope the character in the dream isnt gonna appear again , cos its Not Good.

Now that the freakin,i mean.Lovely comp is back in the pink of health, theres no more excuse for not starting to write my LONG OVERDUE ( well when compared to the rest of the graduated population, not that i want to, but comparison is being thrown right into my face) res*me.

$9.47 staring at u from the screen is NOT a pretty sight as well.Honestly, its frightfully frightful.I need bread.Serious bread.

Sigh.Can't bring myself to fully realise the phase im abt to or have already entered. It just feels not right.Y can't i just go with the flow like everybody else, its like a breeze for them.graduate.1 week.job.workworkworkworkwork.Its like, they didnt even take a breather, or stop to think abt what they really want in their lives?Or is that no longer a top priority?.( or perhaps they already knew?NAH i seriously think thats not many) On the otherhand, some might say, im spending WAY too much time doing that.Which is indecently speaking, fucking SLACKING precious time away.Like a good for nothin.But.SIgh.just don't noe how to put it.I wish the only person i need to account to is myself. Well, i COULD actually do that.But, in life, you don't live alone, and you need to account to pple.At least my mom.I really do hope i can prove myself to be of something, to her.So she can once and for all, or at least start to really have more trust in me, and stop gettin uncessarily worried over all those lil bits of paranoia that when accumulated , leads to exhausting volcanic verbal wars. I'm too old for that now.So is she.Life has only just begun.All that simply drags me away to the past.

Bath time.Work at 10 again.Need to work on my fuckin punctuality problem.Damn.I want Hermoine's turn back time gadget.