Sunday, July 25

Quote Of The Minute.(Not many are capable of lasting me thru the day)

When one’s parents are rich, growing up is optional. -Slippy Jenkins

hah.I couldn't agree more. However, this doesn't grant poor or middleclass kids the necessity OR sensibility to do otherwise. Likewise, there are rich kids who are terribly sensible ,with their feet on the ground. That i think, is a real treasure. Most of us have been so unknowingly pampered by the luxury and comfort of what we have today, like having meals there for you when u wake up, come home, and much more, that we simply do not appreciate enough.At least i know i don't. Oh well.Let me not be that ungrateful brat that takes everything away and return none.So much more to work on.SO much.

Anyway, to the hell with money.Y does it have to be (like it or not, YOU admit it or not) weaved into the most of our lives? Let a happy vagrant enlighten me pls.