Oh It's Just Chlorophyll
Wut's the world comin to.
Where cameras are becomin the size of handphones.
Where cameras are the size of handphones.
Wut would our flamboyant forefathers , with a Rolek on one hand, and an obtrusive, black block of electronic device on the other say, as they squint at the insignificantly sized devices hidden in our palms?
Wut next.
A cam embedded nose ring where a twitch is all that's needed to activate the trigger?
Well, be careful not to let your booger get in the way then.
The Canon Power Shot is fugly.
Also not I buy one.
But it is still fugly.
Woah oh oh
Spoilt child of mine
Oh. Mai hiam buay pai you say?
I say, PAI means PAI, hiam or no hiam, it will STILL be PAI.
Yes. Ah. So sweet is the sound of the heartlander's dialect.
1 nosey parkers:
The track sounds pretty awesome. Feel like buying the album. - wendy-
Ah,and temptation is great.
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