Tuesday, July 26

Oh It's Just Chlorophyll


Wut's the world comin to.

Where cameras are becomin the size of handphones.

Where cameras are the size of handphones.

Wut would our flamboyant forefathers , with a Rolek on one hand, and an obtrusive, black block of electronic device on the other say, as they squint at the insignificantly sized devices hidden in our palms?


Wut next.

A cam embedded nose ring where a twitch is all that's needed to activate the trigger?

Well, be careful not to let your booger get in the way then.


The Canon Power Shot is fugly.


Also not I buy one.

But it is still fugly.

Woah oh oh
Spoilt child of mine

Oh. Mai hiam buay pai you say?


I say, PAI means PAI, hiam or no hiam, it will STILL be PAI.

Yes. Ah. So sweet is the sound of the heartlander's dialect.


1 nosey parkers:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The track sounds pretty awesome. Feel like buying the album. - wendy-

10:34 pm  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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