Wednesday, October 26

Murder She Wrote

Ok. I think all these late night dinners are resulting in rather..undesirable consequences.
Dreams of vague bombings to be, slashing, and disjointed fragments of vaguely disturbing scenes are still..tolerable. Cos they're..Vague. Which means they are not lucid in my mind when I wake up.

However, last night was simply..DISGUSTING.

Why the Fuck was I dreaming abt a roach piggybacking a lizard I have no blooming idea. Allow me to proceed.

So it was a normal, regular joe, brown roach. However, its shell, or back or whatever that is called kept making this clack clack clacking sound against the floor when it was scurrying by. And why is that so? Ah. That's cos to my understanding in the bloody dream, it's back was likened to that of a MUSSEL SHELL. How interesting! That explained the clacking as it whacked against the floor. ( Oh don't ask me how)

Yes, so I mentioned about a lizard on it's back. Yes, what the fuck indeed.

Right. So in my fright, I grabbed both of them ( yes the irony) and attempted to fling them away. However, in a horrible twist of fate, I accidentally ended the life of the lizard cos I held it too tightly. I manslaughtered it with my fingers. I think I broke it's back or something and so It Just Died.

In the midst of such grotesque chaos, the roach tried to flee. And so, in my fright ( once again) I squashed it with my b a r e fingers. Unfortunately, it was RESISLIENT, that thing. Very resilient.

And so.

At the very zenith of things, the traumatized little girl stabbed the roach with her index finger.

It went right thru, her finger. And ended the life of the roach with a very very bad, messy, squish.

And the mussel shell back fell out.

Leaving a spread of see-hum like, red, squashy, bodily remains of Joe the Roach on the little girl's index finger, and some in her fingernail.

The dream trailed off with her vehemently washing her fingers.

As Lady Macbeth scrubbed her life away, she decides to never, EVER, consume ANYTHING during the witching hour again.

(But that's not too possible.)

Oh dear.