Saturday, July 31

Burn Baby Burn.

Fuck man.I dreamt that my power supply CRACKLED and had those orange rays of 'fireworks' in the cpu AGAIN.(again, in that it HAPPENED in REALITY in VERY recent times.)

I could feel my EXACT panic and HORROR in the dream.Correction.NITEMARE. n guess what.i was BURNING a disc when the crackling occured.FUCK MAN. This BETTER not happen.URGH.!!!@# After the last time my baby broke down, im ALL ears and ON MY TOES, at the slightest sound of tickings, vroomings, and the likes.

What is it like to live in fear? Like this.

Bah.After the purchase of the burner, mom has been bugging me to BURN THIS BURN THAT. -_-

yes i know." She paid for it.Be appreciative u fool." heh. Yesyes. But it can get a TAD irritating at times when she has like so many questions and requests.Esp when sometimes she doesnt even know what the burning process and options are. BUT then again, ruled out the option of explaining everything to her, cos it will be VERY VERY tiring.UNnecessary.

"How come my fren's one can watch on TV AND COMPUTER?"
Cos anything that can be watched on tv can most likely be viewed on the comp mi.

"How come this burnt copy cannot watch properly on tv one? nvm nvm tell u what,u burn one for me that can watch on the COMPUTER."
Then to my confusion amidst all the questions and answers, i myself went to burn another copy.Thinkin and telling her, 'this one is to watch on comp one'. Er when its the same burnin process.If it can be viewed on tv, OF COS CAN WATCH ON THE COMP RIGHT?!


*she ponders real hard* *giving me INSTRUCTIONS and tellin me HOW i shd burn them to rectify the 'problems'*
"What is cd RW then?Maybe u don't burn into cd R, u burn into cd RW, then it will work."
-_- Mi, don't bother abt RW, it does not affect one.

Explaining the terms to her would probably cause her more confusion. -_-

"i tell u what. U burn into RW, then maybe won't have the problems."
i don't know if i shd laugh or breathe.(with exasperation)
But of cos, The Mom doesn't take too kindly to 'laughing at her' CERTAIN i decided to shut my trap. *amused*

Its quite hilarious, but irritating at the same time.

Walas last nite was .Alrite.Cept for the last song, which was a saving grace for me. A last min dedication that i managed to sneak in, IN TIME.Lightning crashes.Ah.Havent that from them for a while. Was uplifting.Boy, it really IS a wonder what music can do to the soul.

Can't stand it when they have those 'interval' riots of ' HEYYY we've got a birthday boy here..come on take it off take it off..*5 mins wasted*...COME ON..*scuffle scuffle* ..then some fucker comes on and sings TERRIBLY,as his frens cheer him on, and I, jeer him on. *10 mins wasted*

wtf man.It betta not be a weekly affair. Or .or.i'll complain.bwhahahha.hur.bAh.

Vivianne and her girlfren came down after their work last nite.
Her fren was really.Interesting.Or rather, a momentary pain in the ass .
After like 5 -10 mins of standing ( whats new,alrite. But its her first time there so i forgive.But
STILL. its ONLY LIKE A FEW MINS), i could hear her complaining abt no seats blahblah.and having to carry her bag.sheesh.alrite.nvm.
So i tried to tell her nicely, that we'll try to get table, but it'll be quite hard.
She was like' YAH I CAN TELL'.
alrite. i HARDLY bitch abt GIRLS, so lemme proceed to what comes next as a fairly exhausting entry of why this one.

After about like 40 mins or so, i kinda overheard her telling Viv she wanted to go back or somethin n was like asking her to go back together. wtf? I was like.MAJOR sian man.Come for a while then GO BACK?luckily Vivianne wanted to stay on.Hooray.Well, she was definitely enjoying the music and all MORE than her fren.
After that, her fren was like whining abt how if she left BEFORE and AFTER 1am, the cab fares would make a difference.30% surcharge before and 50% after.GOD. I mean, its not like u weren't aware of what time it was, after all they got off work like at 10?So y bother comin down in the first place man if u've got these restrictions.Then she like wanted Viv to go back early with her so they could share cab.I mean, if u wanna leave , u leave. Isnt really fair to take away yer fren's fun just cause u aren't havin any.Jesus.

Well they both stayed in the end.And we actually got a table near the piano area.Yippee.
As me and viv executed our lil discussion into makin her leave early, (WELL she wanted to didnt she.)her fren decided to stay.and CALL for sos instead.So she furiously started to seek for pple to fetch her home.*roll eyes*

Yeah then her fren accidentally*****(no idea WHAT she did to it,so i can't find a word) Viv's bottle of drink, and it FOAMED vigorously and spilled all over the table, and onto Viv's hp. -_-
As i watched my fren trying to MAINTAIN her patience, i couldnt do more but just sigh.

I really couldnt offer any more of my pity at that moment.Stand whine, hold bag whine, cab fare whine, now this.Maxed out.

Oh.then i was tryin to help her fix back her hp, in which i clumsily dropped the freakin switch knob.Bah.which we managed to treasure hunt back ( YES, if u could only see us crawling on the floor) .I mean, ultimately it was the waiter ( that RUDE malay waiter ,who is only nice when ure not blocking his way.haha) who found it back for her.

Right.Then we headed off to Crystal Jade to fill the tummies.Still, we were tryin to shake off her fren.And guess what?Her fren's DRIVER was havin some squabble with the girlfren, so there was gonna be some kinda delay and unconfirmation whether she was gonna be driven home or she went along with us to eat.Or rather.NOT eat.

'u want anything?'
*semi tired semi whiny voice* ' har dun wan.i dun want to eat so late at nite'-for obvious reasons.For petes sake,trust me on this one guys?BIWEI AND WENDY.Shes even SLIMMER than the both of u.

*roll fuckin roll*

This is what i call a real SPOILER.
Thank god my frens aren't like that in ANY way.

Alrite, this has been a fairly tiring and bitchy lil entry.
Over n out.