Tuesday, November 9

My Mahler is my Lao Hero.

She really is.

At 1.30am. I screamed.

My room has been invaded by a GIANT F L Y I N G COCKROACH.( ever wondered why they always come in colossal sizes?Never SMALL?)

Came from my behind, DIVED onto my MONITOR.

So THAT was the ' tic tic tic' i heard earlier on. The sound of it walking on my walls.

It looked like the General kind. Commando. It's LONG SVELTE SHINY TANNED body said it all.

From that moment on, i knew it was gonna be a long night.

'tic tic tic'
*and it takes off*
and its on the other side of the room.
'tic tic tic'


She came in armed with a Bygone on the right, and a ruler on the left.

As she took careful, small steps into my room, she started nagging about how the mess in my room must have ATTRACTED the f-roach, with a tinge of annoyance in her voice. I shall call it the Froach from now on.

After a few mins of pacing with no enemy in sight....*ZOOM*
The fucker appears.
The mother let out a YELP and we both ran out of the room like pink panthers, at a faster pace.(the nagging stopped after that)

I really wish i could demonstrate to you how it took flight.Actually, it didnt fly, it DIVED.

Anyhow.It was er QUITE a funny sight.Both of us, taking hesistant steps, u know, the 'walk..halt.walk..halt' thing , like how a swat team enters a room.Well, less glam of course. Me in my ugly bears rotton nightie?Oh i'll spare u the details.

Then, in the middle of the battle, she went out of my room to check the time.
'Yi dian ban' she mumbled to herself.
I'm like er why?Buy toto?
She laughs.'Dui loh'
She can't be for real.

Anyway.To cut the story short, the battle went on for a full 10 mins.

The enemy is defeated.

At my mother's hand.Or rather, the Bygone.


All is at peace once again.

Mummy u're my heelo.
