Thursday, May 5

2 way ticket.

Tis my imagination.

Isn't it wonderful?

All the way to heaven, n all the way good o'l hell.

Gotta get a fuckin grip on myself, before I lose track of wuts really the reality of things.

But boy does it feel so goddamn real at times, for a moment, I'm not so sure who's in control of who. And despite that, it's so bloody tempting to just chuck all of rationality aside and simply believe in wut im feeling for a few seconds. Even if it's just a few seconds.

Which is bad.

I should always be in control. Isn't that right.

There shouldn't even be any room for doubts on that. As anything other than the above would mean chaos.

Even if imagination herself (don't ask me why I've en-gendered her as such) isn't real to begin with, at least knowing that she's a product of my creation, makes me feel....somehow comfortable.

Or should I say, at equilibrium.

But not when it's the other way round.That just fucks me all wrong.

Ignorance CAN be bliss. U just gotta choose the right windows to open, and the ones to close.

Til some other wondrous plan hits me, I'm gonna shut them all up. Again.

I don't really care anymore if I end up a miserable lil shit. So long as I don't repel anybody, cause pain to anybody, do harm to anybody, get in the way of anybody, take happiness away from anybody, that should be fine. Just let me keep the little of wut I need to survive in this madness of myself. And in this midst of madness, if I'm actually able to better someone else's life even for a second, let me be able to do it. Not for bloody karma, not for myself, and not for the bloody sake of it. If not, so be it.

Behind closed doors, where you used to be.
Safe...and sound.

Keep 'em fuckin tight you. Keep 'em fuckin tight.