Sunday, August 1

Can't sleep.

sigh.this is bad.Think my body clock has gotten comfy with 4am.shit.its been like a week and a half of 4ams.My skin is dying.The pimple plantation is threatening to surface.fuck.

Finally went to the much talked abt Tian Tian Huo Guo with agnes and wendy after work just now.
It was alrite.wasn't fantastic.We thought it was 12 plus today,turned out to be $19.80.BEFORE plusplusplus.fuckin plus. -_- but nvm.

Hai.Cold storage shopping spree 18.Walas 23.Huo guo 22. I do not like math.

Redbull still owes me abt a 100.WHEN WHEN are they gonna call to tell me to pick up the cheque.

SHIT.hp bill not paid yet. &%^#$!@
no i can't sing at the bouna vista underground.there's already permanent 'street performers' stationed there.
no,havent completed my resume.its still at ' name and address'.
i am SUCH a lazy FUCK.
FUCK.still gotta go take photos.Aunt insists that COLLARED shirt photos are a must.Anything else is not professional. Well, i hold her in high regard, so i'll take her advice.Esp her advice on anything relating to the corporate world.Corporate makeover pic somemore.can die.i wonder how much its gonna cost now.sigh.

SHIT.suddenly rem that i still owe my mom a STUDIO photo taking session.ARGH!!! I really don't wanna put on the pseudo harry potter get up again. all this shit.damn gross.

hungry.not sleepy.feel abit small recently.ROLL.not literally.
bah.time for Masters Milk.yarm yarm.HAH.has anyone spelled it that way before.fuckin lame.

HATE the current condition of my room.My cupboardless room.Need to go ikea

Steve Vai looks deranged in today's Life's article.