Saturday, May 7

I like them Strong.

Tea, that is.

Yes. Well, not like I went thru the ultimate buyer's survey or anything, but of the few that I've tasted, Dilmah's Earl Grey is so far the best.

Oh yes. I bought a pack of Twining's to try, as a result of being a sucker for packaging and all things..English.Ooo.Its English.

And note, that was after wut felt like an eternity of intense contemplation with a finger to my head thinking, 'Hmm.Yet another crucial decision to make Wise Jane.', as my calves started to sore from the standing.

Er yah. So anyway, its way too light.I don't know wuts the authentic standard for Earl Grey, but the moment the aroma started to make its way to my nose..I was thinking..'fuck.this isn't Earl Grey.'

Cheated. Once again.

Alrite, so an established brand like Twining's wouldn't resort to..trickery. Or rather, they should at least know wut they're doing.

So. It's just me.I don't dig their version of Earl Grey. Too..mild..too..flowery.

W e a k.

Dilmah rocks. Their version is potent and bloody aromatic.Take a whiff of it and VOOM! Ah..and the aftertaste just lingers on the palate really nicely.And yes, there's this strong Indian essence to it that once made my insides turn inside out when I first had my go at it at Coffee Club.Yes, vividly..Wendy and I, the ice earl grey with vanilla icecream..intolerable.

Funny how some things just grow on you. Even funnier that it first repulsed you.

But yes. I've grown to appreciate it.Very much. Such a lovely, lovely, flavour.


If there's one thing I'm glad for, is for discovering the delights of Earl Grey tea. Beautiful.

Yea. One little teabag makes me smile.

Yes.Lately, I've unconsciously become the appreciater of many many small things. Wait correction, a better appreciater.

Oh wow Jane.U've finally learnt to better appreciate the finer things in life? And by finer, Im not refering to exquisiteness and luxury.

Yeah sure who doesn't enjoy those, but its these other things that hardly seem like a fragment of anything significant, these 100 other things that go by along with the other so called significant things that most of the time, one doesn't stop to even look. These mundane little things eh. The significance in them, is clearly different and up to the individual to value.No, I don't stop by to smell the flowers everyday, but when u realise u want to, and it automatically makes u want to, and then u feel that that 1 splitting moment of apparently deemed nothingness of a thing is something u want to hold on to dearly, and suddenly.its as if everything else isn't important anymore, everything around u just stops..momentarily. Those things that everyone (including me) is chasing after half or all their lives, things that we are told or made to believe make up a fulfilling life or should I say a life that one needs to achieve to so that u can at least tell yerself with assurance 'Hmm I'm not such a failure' .

What are the important things in life? Wut if the whole world, by LARGE starts to live for these 100 other unsignificant significant things? Wut if the goal in today's undesirably vicious rat race shifts to these instead?

No more blind rats.
No more jaded factory molds in motion to the ticking of the clockworks.
No more conquerers of green bills and authority.
No more of marching, running, crawling, struggling.... all for that dream empire at the end of it all.
That desirable. So logical .
Where everybody wants a piece of.
Where everybody appears to be like a copy of each other.
The rulers and the slaves.
No more selling of souls to the Devil.
No more corporate whores.
No more the-logical-way-of-life.What is logical?Was it YOU who thought it was logical?Or was it the society so far that thought it was logical and so you thought ' Ah yes that must be logical then.'

Isn't it an irony that as humans are trying to inject AI and all that crap into dead metals, embodifying pieces of machinery with the unique traits of the human race, they themselves are losing it and are slowly and tragically becoming predictable little replicas.

Instead, individuals..INDIVIDUALS, each armed with their own torch, trudging..digging their way thru a gem filled no clockworks, no templates of 'success', in their on way, own time.Only thing, its pitch dark.(Well..just have to throw in some kinda obstacle.) But as long as one tries hard enough, he'll eventually find wut he wants, and these similar looking pieces of jewel would hold a different meaning to everyone.

Ok.I'm sounding abit off now, but oh blah.Nvm.
In the first place, from a teabag to this..I am already off.

Remember the 'to war' scene of Lotr? Where the millions of black monstrous things trudge towards the gate of that castle (can't rem wut they are called but im sure u know wut im talking abt) chanting with their beating of weapons or armour wutever to the ground?yeah im reminded of that.Yeah there lies the smarter ones, hence the ones that lead the rest, gurgle and roar indecipherable sounds, following behind, as they're all made to command.

Fortunately, we're not made to command.I kid you not. If you actually think hard enough.Gasp.(note: Dry humour.Wringed twice.)
(note again: You can go kill yerself if u actually thought that was a genuine statement of sudden enlightenment.)

Then WHY?! WHY is it that i see all gurgling modern copies of a similar montrosity everywhere around me? Its..engulfing. A fuckin epidemic. And its hell..hell to fight them off. Now its plain fatigue. But the thought of caving in and becoming some sorta one eyed monster..that shares that same vision its fellowmates see..scares me. It really makes me wanna perservere. No matter how much I detest my situation and myself at any point, I'm gonna hang on to the edge ..UNTIL i find my piece of land, the balance that im always talking abt, I'm not giving up. That sounds feeble. but wut the heck. In fact, all this talk..IS feeble.Empty.Hell i know. In this stupidity of a space we call society, its always the case where one has to have something TANGIBLE for show in order to gain belief or appraisal.And fuck. I don't even CARE abt gaining any appraisal from the nonsense of people in this population, but the very fact that it gets to me at times..reveals the horrible infection that I have attained from living in this space. Well, for starters, I'm certainly far from my own expectations. The day I can, without skipping a beat of my heart and truly say ' i don't give a shit wut others say or think' for every single aspect in my life, would be glorious.Glorious.

Anyhow.Everyone has this phase.I'm sure.Short or long, I'm sure everyone experiences it. They do...right? Wutever the case , I'm just thankful for it. Whether it stays or not. And when it doesn't, hopefully I'll remember the times when it had. An expression on someone's face, the ability to smell something lovely, a small gesture, somebody's kindness..these things.These things. Its them that jolts me into reminder of my existence, life's existence, in a good way. A feeling i really.can't describe. And right at that moment, I treasure it more.

I don't wanna learn things only when I'm slapped into a life and death blowing situation.

I wanna learn things everyday.

The weight of my words are as light as feather. don't have to listen.

Watching all the insects march along
Seem to know just right where they belong
Smears of face reflecting in the chrome
Hiding in the crowd I'm all alone
No one's heard a single word I've said
They dont sound as good out side my head

All The Love In The World - Trent Reznor

1 nosey parkers:

Blogger allie said...

Ewww... earl grey. I'm into plain o English Breakfast. But however, let me introduce to you something called Tea Dust. It's much cheaper and yet smells much nicer and stronger. It's available at all friendly NTUC Fairprice outlets.

1:00 pm  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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