Thursday, August 5

I feel...Light.

Had a wonderful dinner/girls nite out with Alicia today.She was craving for the spicy soup at Cha, but i wasn't particularly in the mood for Mex stuff, but we went anyhow. Turned out, my tummy was pretty happy. :D After much intense contemplation, [ yes.deciding what to consume can be(i actually meant to say definitely but i decided to stick to a more MAINSTREAM style of expression to avoid any unnecessary commotion.) an issue worthy of meticulous decision making] it came down to an order of Prawn Burritos for me, the Spicy Soup ( forgot the Mex name) and Stuffed Potato Stuff for her ( forgot the name once again.)

Having worked there before, i've actually never ever tried those Potato Stuff. That being, they look grossly disgusting.AHHHHHH.BUT! BUT! I tried some this time. Not bad.not bad at all.

Had abit of a chitterchatter with The BlackBird, who's STILL working there AFTER gazillion years.He was pretty bitchy today, was rather entertained.Apparently, he finally got his pay at cha upped to $6. Congrats to him.

Oh.Joyce was there today, n to my mild,VERY mild dread, she came out of the kitchen, to the door, and saw me.

Yes Biwei, u can imagine her expression and her usual banter.Same old same old.Hah.And GUESS WHAT.HAHA.This time, she said " so free to come and eat not free to come back and work!" THAT a hint to ask me to return?Do they really need staff? MUAHAHA.
Biwei, can u imagine us back there.can I was highly amused. did that topic come abt u wonder? started when she spoke her first sentence " SO found a J O B yet? " My number 1 MOST HATED QUESTION TO BE ASKED FOR THE SEASON. Don't worry. Think i've gotten over Annoyance. When i get that Far King qns now, i just *smile*, *breathe*, *rebreathe* and reply. Sorry, sidetrack. Backtrack. So i just added that im doing part time at u noe where, and she had this faked( i hope so!) indignant look on her and semi screamed at me " CAN WORK ELSE WHERE HUH?DUNO HOW TO COME BACK ISSIT?"

But it was indeed a short, entertaining, light moment of nostalgia, as her USUAL nags,screams, englishfied kopitiam way of talking , along with the bobbing ( not so hiong anymore though) of the blackbird's head and his BLACK SPECS , and James's belly going in and out of the door provided me with a very surreal moment of renaissance. Ok maybe thats too glam a word, how abt trip down memory lane then?hah.

Anyway, in reply to her half-jkg-half-serious 'offer', i told her to call me whenever she needs last minute help, half-jkg-half seriously. Well honestly, i really wouldnt mind.To go HELP out when they really need pple.Actually, i wouldnt even mind doing it for free.hur.Loony?No.*Shrugs*

Lets just call it the Cha Affinity.

Anyway, as i was leaving, her last words were " WHEN U FREE TO COME BACK U LET US NOE LAH" somethin like that. o_o

Nuff of Cha stuff.heh.

Hopped over to Tangos for the ORRRRGASMIC tira (it wasnt me who said that this time). ANDDDD, prob influenced by Miss Alcoholic Anonymous herself *chortles*, i couldn't resist gettin the 1 for 1 beer offer tog with her. SOOO we ( or rather i ) decided that we get abit more adventurous and try somethin de fer ren this time.Samuel Adams it was.

And it was Horrible.
Think my MAHLER would prob like it.Since it tasted like this herby bitter medicine i rem her recommending (forcing) me.

So.After only touching like 1/5 of it, we gave up. Ordered Hoegaarden.*ahhhhhh* Smelled like sweets.

-and pardon my bitchin abt the beer, for im not done yet-

Yes Samuel Adams.The bottle looked somewhat coarser in appearance than the heineken one.I don't know.but, with the label and all, the first thing that hit me when the waiter placed it on our table was " construction site worker " . Yes. and after TASTING it, it further strengthened my theory.(anyway, to the construction site worker comment, alicia added in nonchalantly " yes den u'll prob see Ah Du drinkin it" .HAAHAHAHAHAH) The ROBUST look and ROBUST flavour seemed to be something catered for BIG STRONG MEN WITH HEARTY LAUGHTERS, UNDER THEIR TRUCKER CAPS AND JUMPER SUITS.

Not for dainty ladies ala Us. muaha. muaha.
Best bear in america somemore.(yes it was shamelessly proclaimed on the label). pfft.Obviously not best enuf for us.

Anyway anyway anyway, it was a lovely and simple nite all in all, relaxing, chillin, taking our time to order, taking our time to eat, taking out time to walk, people watching,yakking, debating, analysing, ok lah bitching.Heh.Heyhey.Bitching doesnt HAVE to be abt malicious content ALL the time, it could be a generic term for basically ' everything under the sun chatter' . Yes u fools.So when girls go BITCHING, its doesn't mean we have to be dissing abt other pple. But of cos, that will usually come into play very often. For the pple we hate to the ratio of the pple we love is 10:1 isnt it? Or have i gone lenient on that fraction?

*BITCHY sneer*

Ok.Now the nite's over. and its back to the harsh *ow* reality of me having to fuckin get it workin on my ******. Esp if i want to be able to maintain such 'simple' and lovely niteouts with my mates, which in turn keeps my soul happy no?Yes life has become so enrichingly materialistic(every pun and irony intended) hasnt it?Well.Blame it on?On everything else but me of cos.

ps. thanks AA for the tiPbits on ****** writing today.U'll most def be one of the first i'll squeal to the moment i complete it, and begin my journey with the masses.And by the way,its always enriching engaging in nonsensical and more than nonsensical chats with u.Usually end up clearing a doubt or few, and learning a thing or 2.( er rhyme NOT intended) Just like how Lager is Lair Ger, n not Lair Zure. -_-


Drop me a job.
After i kill the slob.
Taking a break for 3 fuggin months makes me no flop.
They got there first, so be it,the mob.
Who gives a shit, i sure don't Bob.
Hello there Pops, do u really care what im doin?
Seriously,i don't think its yer prob.
So stop fuggin askin me over n over,
each and every irritating one of u son of a cob.
Shut up,quit the talk
before my words get u socked.
My vision simply chose to take a raincheck
Annoyed by the monotonous path,
bequeathed ( well seems as if )
n thats: "After grad!what else! get a job!"
Well fuck ewl. ( yes You repel me)
Do u think a 22 doesn't know that?!
Our destiny at current may all seem to gather at the same block,
Its the manner we get there,
for some, as lucid as the morning fog.
What the hell did i just say?
Exactly my point you sod.
Yer route may be clear as hell, and everything thought of.
Well bless u, but pls do,
comprehend that difference actually lives too.
I never said i was happy in my lil sandbox
U weren't there to see how i struggled with the dimes in my coinbox
So excuse me now if i may seem like a big fat useless piece of stain blob
When my vision is cleared,set,and ready to go onboard
I will get this ship steered my friend,
and this body reset,
just like any alarm clock.
*I know, too much rest can form blood clots.*

-its just pent up stress.*pent up stress*-