Sunday, August 8

Loud Voices, Big Presence.

It's just one of THOSE moments.U happen to be talkin about someone(whom we don't even know personally, but read his blog)and SUDDENLY,the someone's FREN whom u happen to notice from the pictures in that SOMEONE'S blog,APPEARS FROM BEHIND and walks past u. If someone( er this is someone in general.u know that right?not THAT SOMEONE.haha) had snapped the moment of increduility we had on our faces , i would love to see it.

Actually, increduility probably took up only the first 2 seconds.Afterwhich was more like HORROR.Yes.HORROR that we MIGHT (actually no doubts abt that)have been talkin TOO loudly, ( as usual.-_-) and SOMEONE'S fren might have heard us. *gasp* But, no lah.Don't think so.Else the SOMEONE'S fren WOULD (i shd think) have stared a lil.

Anyhow.I am still pretty amazed. I mean, 'speak of the devil' couldnt have spoke better .That was THE epitome.

Alright, with this lil commotion aside. Lunch was GREEEEEEEEAT, at cine's Phin's. The beer battered fish n chips was FARRRRKIN GOODE.Don't rem the Liang Seah Street one being that power.wah lau eh.Bloody generous portions of the FEEEESH.Twas EXTREMELY fresh, JUICY, AND succulent.Deep fried to PERFECTION.With JUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSST the right intensity of crispness.Hai.I shd be writin for EATS.That would be bliss.Abit.Abit.

Work was BORING tonite.Unusually quiet for a sat.The worst thing abt doin the bar is the CONSTANT contact with water.gaaargh.Hands are dry as sandpaper.Sian.Not yet 50 hands like 50.CALLOUS, machiam construction worker.Or worse still, like those of a Samsui Woman.Its as if u can see the years of MANUAL labour thru the runaway tracks on my palms.


I didn't Walas yesterday.Felt so..WEIRD.Uneasy.Its as if something's wrong if i were to be elsewhere on a friday. KEPT LOOOOOOKING at the freakin time on the comp, tickin, tickin, as i sat thru the first..the second..and finally FINALLY the last set TORTUROUSLY...AT HOME.Sigh.Get a life Jane.Yes.But on fri, Jane's life is at Walas.Or rather, IT has become part of my life.Its like not bathing on fris.Hah.But well, that doesnt really explain much as we bathe everyday.(don't know about YOU) OH WELL.but u get what i mean.Ladida.Ack.

Bah.But i guess i'll just HAVE to ( like it or not, wait.obviously i don't like it) get use to the feeling of not being there, not havin the band, the music, the smoke, the rude waiters, the crowd , the uplifting (well usually) feelins , in my ears, my eyes, and my pathetic withering soul.Well, now and then at least. Sick of calling pple down. Sick of having to make sure they confirm with me.Sick of having the fear that they might change their minds last minute.Sick of being left stranded when they change their minds last minute.But what else CAN i do.Since my NUMBERED walaing mates arent here with me.Crap.Sometimes i just think.What IS this.An obesession, no wait, i shd say love, cos i really DO love it.Obsession hints at UNHEALTHY infatuation. Or perhaps, its just how tension releasing , and incredibly good it makes me feel, whenever i soak myself in the friday,walas, 2nd storey's aura, that has caused me to be hooked silly.Thus, i NEEEEEEEEEEEEED it every other friday...*druggie look*

Sometimes..just SOMETIMES. I wish i could just haul myself down, coyly.With just me, myself, and my shadow. No more, sickenin plannings, callings, cancellings, and disappointments on fridays. Then again, i don't have the goddamn gusto to do that.

Goode Nide to Me.

*Goode Nide*