Saturday, August 28

Fungus and Moss

Been a while. Despite the endless amount of thoughts that have been tossing around in my mind, i just couldn't seem to pen them down.Or at least, till now.

Fuckin script's been acting up.Thankfully, the fonts are back to normal now.Yay.

Oh well.Just got home from another round of walas, yes.Its friday.Well technically its not anymore, but yeah.Well, with 'lightning crashes' and 'with or without you' being played, i should have enjoyed myself . But i didnt,exactly.Where i caught the sudden bolt of blue. i don't know.The other reason?The 'illness'.Instead of being able to LET LOOSE, it got me TENSED up.Bah.That will be fixed though, i assure myself.
Perhaps, its just plain ol' pms.(Post that is, not Pre.)

Just put down the phone with Wendy.Told her i couldn't continue the conversation, cos i'll be silence personified.
Drifting into space.
To be exact, a sea of absolute nothingness.
Nevermind, never really pays to comprehend anyway.Cos what u may find at nothing.

I feel every speck.crumb.splotch.of makeup seeping into my pores as we speak.
Tis bad.12345 new volcanoes have emerged lately.
Well its not like i didn't try, but lying in bed early just doesn't do a thing.I'll just end up tossing..and tossing...AND tossing till i finally reach the 4am mark.
Maybe, its a case of mind over matter.
But the matter can't lie can it?If its tired, it will doze.Such, is its nature.
If only the Big L is that simple.
Yes i meant Life.
What else did it sound like?

Mmm...David Gray seems to blend perfectly into the weather, the night, and the mood right now.You have made a wise choice Yukster.

101 goals.Latest addition: 1 CD purchase per month.
Plausible.Conceivable.Do i dare say...Achievable?
We'll see.

Lunched with my aunt today at the Mushroom Pot. Interesting dishes.Yes , need i say more?Mushroom this..mushroom that.BUT, it was surprisingly not bad.Esp this baked mash of cheese, fish roe, and potatos.

Er.I just realised..Gray's music is unconsciously makin me type v..e.r...y... slowly.Not that im complaining, it just feels..Weird.Its makin me dot quite abit as well..something i hardly do.

Alrite.Who cares.
Went into Hmv after lunch.Like a ravenous animal, my dying soul starved for music. The moment i stepped foot into the premise, i felt almost thankful, embracing the cold air with immense gratitude.Afterwhich, was a 3 hours long musical escapade, as well as a hunt for The Cd.

After what felt like an eternity, i looked at my watched and realised, that IT WAS an eternity.3 hours have passed and i still wasn't done.At that point, i suddenly felt QUITE embarrassed.Had this paranoia that the cashiers were probably alerting the security, about this lone figure that has been snooping around the shelves, going up and down the escalators,picking up cds after cds.
Hur.Well as u can see, the quest for The Cd is never an easy one.Everything has to fall into place. Your mood, the songs, the COVER,(one should NEVER deny that aesthetics are a bonus) and.and. and the PRICE.

Yes, yours sincerely currently resides in Beggarsville.So you see.
I saw this Cd that was priced at 82 bucks.82.Is the disc RIMMED WITH PRECIOUS STONES?
Fuckin madness.Don't think i'll EVER fork out such an amount for an album.Its INDECENT.

Anyhow, the quest ended with ...........TADA!*at this point, all readers should participate with glee and mock surprise*

1)Maroon 5-Songs About Jane
2)Electrico-So Much More Inside
3)BAH.I wish.

Anyway,Electrico is a local band, that got recently signed on by Universal Records.Good for them.Go local! WELL. not that im a BIG fan of local bands.but.If they're good.They deserve the recognition.For one, their music isn't the typical local band sounding shit, that forever seems to be stuck along the styles of concave scream, humpback oak n the likes.(and imagine what its like to have substandard versions of them)Even up till today.Snore.

Ok.Enuf rantings about moosic.
On my 3rd round of Electrico now.Heh.Yes.
Funky Ass Cartoon is SO. DAMN. NICE.
Ok.Obviously i lied about enuf rantings.
Im leaaaaaaving Maroon for another day.Yes.cannot Gobble everything at one go.

Ladida.The makeup is EMBEDDED in the pores.Hooray.
SUCH a chore..SUCH a fuckin chore.but i must go now, to remove the colours of my face.
Goode nite to me.

1 nosey parkers:

Blogger allie said...

Eh, save that money lah... then we can both go some where nice for dinner, yah? :)

1:18 am  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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