Wednesday, August 18


As a dynamic and assertive Aries, you do well in professions that require willpower and self-confidence. Due to the Aries' extra boost of energy, physically demanding jobs are right for you. As the most competitive of all signs, you should always choose a profession, where you can measure yourself against others.

Ideal occupations would be mechanical engineering, careers in the military or police force, or professions that have to do with sports or the outdoors. Since you can find Arians wherever the action is, it is very common that they become firefighters, ambulance workers, or surgeons.

If you are an Aries woman, you are more drawn to male dominated professions. Since you are a very independent individual, it appeals to you to create your own business, or at least be the one who is in charge. You may not do well in professions that require patience, and attention to detail. Also, routine is a killer for you!

As an Aries man, you like action and you need to be challenged. A job that doesn't bear a certain amount of risk and adventure, doesn't interest you. Therefore, you would be perfect as a bodyguard, a marine, or a police inspector. You may have a problem with purely intellectual professions, or care professions.

Coworkers see you as cheerful and enthusiastic, and they admire your forcefulness when you put your mind to something. However, if you feel that someone tries to outsmart you, your competitiveness kicks in, and then they will learn how egocentric and stubborn you can be.

You are a wonderful and easygoing boss! You like to lead and care for you team. Your enthusiasm is contagious and this is motivation enough for your employees to respect and follow you.

The secret of your success is that you have goals, and no matter what it takes, you fight like a warrior to achieve it. You are determined and sure of yourself, and giving up is just not an option for you!

Im not a horoscope freak.But u know, its just one of those days, something on msn pops up, and u say what the hell...n *

WELL.since the JOB issue is the HOT topic on Current Affairs in Jane's Life ( apparently more to her NOSY peers, than herself.), i decided to check out the career section.And voila.The above is the result.well.I almost lost it when i saw the MILITARY, FIREMAN part, which later i realised, was referring to Arian men.sheesh.hurhur.

ANYhow.I must say, i found myself secretly agreeing with MOST of the general descriptions.And since i said *secretly*, im not gonna mention which parts.

However, this excerpt is safe enough to divulge.

Since you are a very independent individual, it appeals to you to create your own business, or at least be the one who is in charge. Also, routine is a killer for you

Hai.Yes.Were anyone of u, my dear frens, aware of that?Yes.I would love to set up my own biz, to conceptualize, create, design and *embarrassingly* be in charge.Bwaha.But oh well, for now, FOR NOW ( yes i still dream) , moolah is the missing essence.The crucial one , to add. So a silly lil dream would have to be swept under the carpet.

Yes.Routine IS a killer.Not just 'i don't like', but it can really suck my soul dry.Thus, hats off to those who have managed to survive in routined environments all their lives.Well ok hats back, as some actually like it.-_-

Ok fuck.Something is wrong.6 BLOODY MOZZIE BITES WHILE TYPING THIS ENTRY.!^%%$@!. THEREFORE I NEED TO GO.not enough hands to type AND scratch.GOODBYE.