Friday, September 3

Does It Matter?

Not knowing whats wrong.Not knowing why u feel this way.Not knowing whats bothering u.Not knowing whats the cause.Trying like hell to define this.Forcibly fitting in some logic.Have u ever felt this way?Goodness knows how many queries run thru my head every single a neverending line of fire.Help.I amaze at how the brain can hold all our thoughts.Even the HD burns out.

I mean.Having some sort of definition, would probably make me feel better.Least thats what i hope." THATS why ".

Its bloody distracting, and its gettin on my nerves.
Last night, a simple conversation with a friend on the phone, was interrupted by feelings of distraction, disorientation, and unease that gradually crept up behind me.Unaware i was.Til i realised that something, was somehow stealing away my focus..somewhat fragmenting it into different portions..resulting them to fly off in absolutely unknown directions.(Whether it was my friend, or myself who realised it first, doesn't matter.Point is, even he could tell from the sudden change)Anyway.The conversation ended with "ure crazy.bie" Guess he got exasperated.

Imagine a piece of glass shattering in space.Yes.I know that even if its NOT in space, the shattered remains fly off in different directions.But, in space ( belief derived from cartoons), the bits kinda split up, and float about in orbit.Yeah, perhaps scientifically,this is absolute gibberish and false.However, its how i can describe, at best, of how i feel right now.Perhaps, just being able to put it down in image, improves matters.At least SOMETHING is definable.Perhaps, i should just let it be as that for now.

Ok.Maybe all that jazz is just just feeling what u call..Lost.Shit.I hate how that sounds.Like, i've immediately joined the club of "What Is Life?". Gross. Its not THAT.Its something else more..COMPLEX.
Or maybe, its me whos complicating it.Ack.


Had a really weird dream last night.Yeah whats new.But this one isn't one those comic relief nonsense.Its like, it has some sorta meaning to it( if i wanna put one to it), but once again, i CAN'T DEFINE IT.Cos its TOO strange.Lotsa running in the dream, fast walk.Climbing of steps in between the running.All that...just to be on time for a 'marking session'.

Yes.Literally.A session where i go in and MARK some sorta paper.I was insistent on wanting to be ON TIME for that session.And i rem vividly, being highly irritated at my friend, who was all strolling and taking her time, in a "Whats the rush.." laughing manner.That got me to take off on my own, and running.With her still semi laughing and strolling behind.I could really FEEL the ACHES of the LEGS as i made my way thru the NEVERENDING route , having to climb 3 steps every like 100 metres or something.God.Thats like ARTS in nus.Cept its 20 steps every 100 metres.Its a fuckin hill that school.

Ok back to the weird dream.Wendy, this is where u might sit up.Cos its where Trissy comes in.Er yeah.Dreamt that he was infront of me, at a queue at a supposed 7-11.Actually, he wasn't really Trissy , but in the dream, we both KNEW it was him.And he looked ALOT like Trissy.The hair, tan and the angular face.ANNNNNYway, i passed him my purchase and asked him to guard my spot, cos i needed to rush off somewhere to do something.So when we both got back to the 7-11, u had this really incredulous look when u saw me thanking and taking back my purchase from HIM at the queue.Amaaaaaaazing aye.

Anyway, incredulous look.Think of the recent incident along the streets of orchard.Yes.The same kinda MOUTH-AGAPE-WTF incredulity.Quite funny.Cos i can so imagine it being EXACTLY the way it is in reality, if i were to really see him , and 'forget' to tell u abt it.

Ok.Anyway, i think the Trissy part is a result of over-voyeuring in recent times.Hurhur.

Weather's bloody unfriendly.Pits are raining once again.
Oh.Anyway, the renovation pple are removing their newly builty contraption that was meant for us to hang out our clothes, on the bamboo poles.Removing every single one on the ENTIRE block, most probably for the other blocks that are under their management as well.I mean.I feel for them.All the cost..WASTED.Effort as well.
Reason?Some residents' complaints of their bamboo poles FLYING AWAY.sheesh.I seriously don't see how it can FLY AWAY.I honestly suspect its due to their own carelessness.If not. I guess we're just lucky to have the wind on our side then.bwaha.

Oh well, perhaps the freaks of nature really work in ways beyond our comprehension.
So if u see a bamboo pole fully pegged with clothes, galloping in the wind one day, do not panic.