Monday, October 4

Expect The Unexpected..and that makes life more ....?

Hmm.Yes.How paradoxical it is.But then again, we human beings are often capable of doing them paradoxes. I myself have unfortunately been a victim of this paradox now and then.However, its 'now and then' before, not ' now and then' now. For me, living life by unexpecting the unexpected, proves to be somewhat And when things are safe, it technically means that there will be less disappointments and unprepared falls in my life. So with that, all would be good. Technically that is. At least so far, this way of life has served me well.

Alright, where am i headin off too.

Saw A firefly on my way home just now.Well, if that fluttering speck of orange spark was what I think it was. I mean, it could be one of those burning ashes sort of spark that escaped and floated away.But then again, the spark was fluttering around the latana flowers and bushes.And there was no sign of anyone burning stuff anywhere. SO, I shall believe I saw a firefly.Yes.WHY am i rambling so much?THAT'S COS, I've NEVER SEEN A FIREFLY IN MY 22 YEARS OF LIFE BEFORE. I have either read abt them in books, or saw ' them' on tcs dramas. It was truly quite a moment. I kinda stopped in my tracks and stared at it as it fluttered..fluttered..and fluttered ard the bush til it got away from my view.I mean, it was really..BRIGHT. and ORANGE. Gosh do i sound spazo?hurhur.But i mean..heh, that was what it was.ORANGE AND BRIGHT. And I only recalled that I was 'supposed' to make a wish ,after i walked away from it. Well, no. I didn't make any wish. In fact, i was just pretty happy, of that few seconds of firefly sighting.

Never underestimate the power of Mother Nature.Uh I mean, I only spent ONE hour at the pool baking myself, AND. my face is semi-red now. And to think that i thought i needed 2 hours or more. Heng. The Bangla look isn't very in right now, so..1 hour is enough.Tis enough.

Yeah and NOW my colleagues are planning to go Sentosa this sat..crap. Wondering if I shd find ways to veil myself, or just go for the African Look instead.

Books.Excluding the 1, 2, novels that friends lend me, I've officially gone out of touch with Reading for YEARS.BUT.Lately, just gotten myself 2 brand new books from Kino. Yeah, not that I actually have the spare cash for BOOKS shopping, but perhaps it was a really refreshing moment, when I stepped into Kino ( havent been there for ages) and saw the arraaaaaaayyyyy of wonderful lookin...COVERS.haha.Yes.Aesthetics DO play a part sometimes don't they?Heh. And well, i probably picked up like more than 10 books, checkin out the synopsis and all, ANDDDDDDDDDDD..tada. The Damage.

The Waitress - Melissa Nathan
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time- Mark Haddon

Well actually I don't consider them any form of damage, cos i really had an enjoyable time for the first.As for the latter, am 1/3 through.Very interesting approach this one.To add, it has a lovely lovely cover.BOTH of them, have lovely lovely covers. Heh. I mean, u know, some books, u just read, doesnt matter from where, from who, in what form.But there are those that..U JUST wanna KEEP. Ok nvm, perhaps these fanciful beliefs will all turn to dust after a few months.Literally.

Ah well.

2004 is comin to an end. And to my recollections, it has been so far, a pretty interesting year.I hesitate to say 'great' cos im not sure if certain stuff are technically worthy enough to be called ' great' , but well. Alright, it has been a pretty good year. Heh. Yes, even after the weightage of the pros and cos, Goode. It must be yah, as i seldom say anything is good good. Ok i shd seriously STOP reassuring myself. Its a fuckin bad habit.( i don't know, habit?can't find another word) I mean, if I say/feel something is this or that, i shd just let it be THIS or THAT.And it ends there.


2004, I thank You. And I look forward in embracing your finale, whatever it may be.

2 nosey parkers:

Blogger allie said...

Hey hey hey...!!! U've got the book - The Waitress!!! Saw that book in some book store along CitiLink and it reminded me of... YOU! Hehehe!!! Ok ok. But I must say it has got an attractive cover. Ey, can lend me the book after you've finished. Hiaks!

2:00 pm  
Blogger ςtick ףּirl said...

uh whats OKT?

5:50 pm  

Ah,and temptation is great.

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