Tuesday, September 14

Mumble Jambo

So much for a lil sunshine and a dip in the pool.Stupid weather report.Heard thunders ringing , so i went to channelnewsasia to do a confirmation, and it said SHOWERS in the LATE afternoon.Well.Its very much LATE in the afternoon now and there ain't no sign of drippin from the sky. Just alot of haze.Sheesh.Oh well, but the stoopid sun had somehow disappeared after i came out from the bathroom, READY to pack and go. Blah.I wanna taste the chlorine...the sloshing waters by my ears..the serenity as i pull myself thru the aquatic piece of blue.NVM NVM.Tomorrow it shall be.I WILL try to wake up earlier.*uncertain*

Money Matters.
By right, i shd have abt 250 to deposit now.However,due to my LACK of discipline in tightening my pockets, i was only left with 4 miserable red notes to feed the machine last nite.It was another GREAT meal.Yummalicious no doubt.But another 10 plus gone.To the stomach.To the toilet bowl.

Alright, let's put aside the unhappy news.

Newfound newfound.
Essential Brew in place of the old Mr Bean's at Hv. Got to know of it first when i saw it being advertised on some variety show.This place that infuses their creations with all sorts of tea.ZR n i we were initially at Breko.Couldnt really decide what to order, til i recalled of that place.Orders are til 11pm late.Yeaaaaaaah.Pretty nice setting.Went upstairs, where it was this clean, zen, yogaish lookin place with low round tables , round leather cushions, and big fat pillows (that i was highly tempted to lie on, but held back when i thought of the number of pple;clean or dirty that laid there before me). At the very top of the stairway, we were greeted with a awry little mess of SHOES. "Oh.We've gotta take off our shoes." we realised. While we looked down at our protected feets, feeling a lil uneasy, we scanned thru the room and its patrons, who some, scanned back at us. Ack.And so we did what we had to do.Felt pretty NAKED and COLD as i strided across the room towards the end table by the window barefooted.(Luckily i BATHED before i went there.muaha.)Individuals plagued with Hong Kong Feet are highly advised to stay away from that place.Was in my favourite sailor shorts ( or rather The FUCK ME shorts as labelled by Miss Sam.They are NOT fuckmeish at all ok.SHEESH.), which wasn't exactly the largest piece of coverage for warmth at that moment.

Anyway.I had the fish and chips.PRETTY good.for 11 buckeroos.THEN ( yes, i must always have my dessert.Which in a way, causes my deserts.Financial speaking that is.Hai.), shared the Green Tea Brulee with Zr, as they ran outta Jasmine Tiramisu.Argh.Yah.That was recommended on the show.

Oh yah.Forgot to mention abt this NOSEY PR man who was sitting right behind us.While i was checking out Zr's new digicam, he PEERED over and asked "is that the xxx model?", "how much did u buy it for?", in which we had no choice but to reply him politely.And no, that was just the beginning of his chitter chatter.

He had to interrupt my browsing thru of the photos once again, by annoyingly PUSHING his face into our space with his brimming enthusiasm. "Is that 5566?Or ENERGY? *pointing to the cam's monitor, that displayed 4 girls*" .Zr n i looked at each other ,perturbed, not exactly amused. So i decided to turn to the man, NOT play along with his silly banter, and told him dryly: "No.It isn't.It is 4 girls." He just "Oh.hahah..blahblah i thought it was u know energy or something"

I mean.Pls joke only if u are capable of making it funny.Otherwise.Don't bother.
Can't really recall what he said after that( obviously cos it was lame and not of any importance), but he did offer to take a picture for us. *roll eyes* If we needed help, we would have asked.

Then, Zr later told me that after i went to the loo, he continued the banter with her.Askin abt how we knew abt the place, if its our first time there, if we were students,and that he's a full time photographer.When i got back to the table, i saw a name card lying there.So u can guess as much what happened.

And cos my back was against his, i didnt get to see what was goin on.But according to Zr, the full time photographer cum Pr Nosey Bosey was busy taking pictures for his "model" who was equally busy posing for some "natural" shots the whole time.Bwaha.I don't know.But the way Zr said NATURAL and did the inverted finger sign, i couldn't help but find it very snigger snigger. *sniggers*

Ok ok.The weather now is too fine to be bitchy.Heh. Its just that, i honestly don't find his ENTHUSIASM and NOSEYness appealing at all.Plus that LOUD booming voice of his..its just cheeriness gone wrong. Extremely turn offing.Anyhow, he got to help snap a picture for this large loud irritating group of pple ( probably like himself) across the room as he was leaving.Im sure he was one happy man.Being able to put his craft to use.

Yay.Wendy n i have FINALLY come to a consensus, on our yoga plans.First trial, Ashtanga it shall be.This thurs morning.At this place called On The Mat. All that's left now is to just have someone pick up the bloody phone.I keep gettin the goddamn answering machine.Which by the way i find, actually quite cool.Melodious female voice with perfect diction, and a slight slang,(not too ott) that ends the message with a "namaste".I love the way she/it said shala and details.Here. I'll even give u the number so u can call and hear it for yerself. 62358469 Muaha.

The birds are fornicating once again.FUCKIN noisy they are.
I don't get it.Why is it only EARLY in the morning, evening, and WEE hours in the night/morn that they EXPLODE in this cacophony of MAD squawks.Or is it singing?I've heard pleasant sing song kinda chirps before.It's not like this.

Or is it some sort of congregation thingy, that they do at certain times of the day.( well many in this case) Like the Dark Ones on Sunday at Serangoon, or the Galakalas ( as my mom calls them, cos of the way their language sounds) at Lucky Plaza?
