Saturday, September 4

How Far Would You Go To Forget?

Yeap.Today's a Friday.A Friday at home.Well, for those who know, yeah..U know why.So lets not go into it. WELL, not that its THAT terrible..not it really isnt anymore.Have gotten used to it, which is good news.Cos thats what i planned to do anyway.Diluting, if not eradicate all feelings of "looking forward to".To anything. Be it a particular place, person, event,whatever.Anyhow, im already halfway there, in achieving the state of damping out all hopes or excitement towards something, in fear, or should i say,in PREVENTION for any case of disappointments.I mean, even if bits of disappointment managed to sneak thru, it wouldnt be as bad as a complete crash of hopes isnt it?SO it never hurts to be prepared.Really.Or should i say, perceive a potential situation in all ways UNpontential.So if it actually goes thru, its an added bonus.

Alright, where on earth am i heading to.Wasn't even the purpose of my rambles.Well, not like rambles have much of an aim..but OH dear here i go again.

Right.Aaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway.It wasn't too bad.Ended up resuming to a movie (yes DOWNLOADED of cos. -_-), that was left alone in the folder for quite a while.Aaaaaaaaaand, it turned out pretty good! Yes.With an exclaimation mark somemore.

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind.

One shd ALWAYS, ALWAYS watch entertainment on a FRESH and ALERT mind.Cos when i caught the first part of it AGES ago,dead tired n all, i rem it being really boring and slow...which totally isnt true now when i resumed it.Hah.Damn.Does that mean i have to go RE-watch some movies again?hrrrrmmmm.

Oh anyway.U get reminded of the weirdest things FROM the weirdest things.While taking a crap today, i reached for a new roll of crapwipe.AND, the moment i ripped off the wrapping off the roll, there came this smell..YES IM CERTAIN its from the roll n not anywhere else -_- ....that kinda brought me back in time for like 5 seconds.A time where i was a kiddo, at a certain McDonald outlet.Yes, that smell reminded me of the place.That moment.Weird huh.

Oh well, perhaps this could be a start of the "Unwrapping of the toilet paper rolls" adventures. a crap would never be the same again..wouldnt it?

Im so bloody hungry.Goodbye.Tomorrow heads a l o n g day.