Sunday, September 26


What can i do to Self-Improve?Though that adjective doesn't 100% describe what i actually mean , but.who cares. Well then. Sometimes, i just wish i could go off to somewhere and buy myself a new Character.Brand new, at my choice of cos. Then, everything i feel now, everything i know or think i might feel, say,act,think abt, will be erased from my memory.From me.

Sometimes, people can be such a hassle.Life can be such a hassle.But no, i don't mean life is worthless, trash.It's just SOMETIMES..SOME TIMES.Everybody has these Sometimes don't they? So tell me, where is the nearest store where i can buy myself a new me?Anytime i need.Anytime i want.

Everclear, why don't u buy me a new life? Better still.