Tuesday, September 14

Ottoman Bazaar

Hmm.Just came across this article on Life, talking abt some sort of Instanbul Bazaar that's gonna be held this sat and sun if im not wrong.It didnt specify the location and date proper.Just says empress place.But it looks pretty interesting.From the pics and all.Food, clothes and yer usual barangs found at bazaars.Cept that this gonna be all Turkish.Hmm.How intriguing is that?
Well, actually my only Turkish experience is that Turkish Restaurant at Far East Plaza.The rice pudding is exotically delicious.Well then.One good experience is enough to make me go all the way.For this that is.

Ahh...so hoooooooooooooooooooos up for it?

In the meantime, u gotta ring 63323284 for more details if u're interested.
Thats the only LEAD they gave.Hmm.I wonder what's with the secrecy.Bwaha.Alright, I'm gettin too Dick Tracy again.

Anyhow, was brought to this site when i was tryin to find out stuff abt the bazaar online.

The Underground Cistern

The Underground Cistern is located near the Saint Sophia Church in the Sultan Ahmet district. The Turks call it "Yerenbatan Sarayi" which means "underground palace". Emperor Justinian had the cistern built in the sixth century as a buffer, in case water couldn't reach the town because of siege. It's a remarkable place, coloured lights and classical music fill the space.The cistern is supported by 336 beautiful beautiful columns two of which are carved with the head of Medusa on the plinth. These columns are 8 metres high in 12 rows.

Quite intriguing.And.Doesn't it remind u of that scene in theNobody Wants To Be Lonely mtv, where Christina Aguilera and Ricky Thick Neck dance in a place fulla pillars?Looks so much like it.

Anyway, the floors look really SPARKLING clean.Oh wait.Thats water.OH.no wonder. -_-
Thank you Merriam-Webster Online.Didn't know what a cistern was. Hur.

The Grand Bazaar

Largest covered bazaar in the world. After Mehmet the Conqueror took Constantinople from the Christian Byzantine in 1453, priority was given to build this bazaar to entice traders back into the deserted city. The bazaar is divided into separate districts which specialise in different goods like antiques, silverware and copperware, bags and ancient books since the Byzantine times.