Wednesday, September 15

Stuck to The Tube.

I really have the potential of being a couch potato.Or am i already one to start with?Either way, i was stuck at the telly from 7.30pm to 12. -_- My eyes feeel the strain. That's probably cos it's been quite a while since i tv-marathoned. Yes. 2 channel 8 dramas, 2 reality shows, half of a Jeff Bruckneir( whatever it's spelled) production called Missing In Space or somethin.Can't recall the title.Was just watching whatever that came on. Oh oh.Caught my first episode of The Bachelorette and Who Wants To Marry My Dad.The later was pretty interesting.Watching middle aged women vy for this pretty dishy and smart lookin rich father of 4 kids, that play the lead role in picking out the right woman for their pops. Was surprisingly entertaining.Hah.Im such a sucker for reality tv.Well not ALL kinds, but most i guess.Hurhur.

AND YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! Saw the trailer for Survivor 9. HO YEAH. Finally.It has been a VERY long wait.Once again, its gonna be at some exotic island, that starts with a V. Ah yes.Vanuatu.That's it. Oh my.There's this contestant called Dolly, a SHEEP farmer.How more apt can that get..god. She's really cute lookin though.A cross between Britney Spears and Lindsay from Survivor Africa.The whiny one that kept cryin.Nvm.Wouldn't expect anyone to know that, less u're as crazy a watcher of the show as me. (No i refuse to use the word ' fan' as i find that somehow derogatory sounding.Ho.) Erm.Omg.If u really wanna know the meaning of conehead, or plateau, just go check out Lea. Seriously.One's crown can REALLY shape how u look.So.Take pride and CARE in what u do with it.

I have TOO much time on my hands.3 entries in a day is ridiculous.

Is it?

U've obviously no intention to return to your resume don't u? Lazy twit.

Waiting for my Midsummer Nights Dream to complete its download.Just a few more mbs to go and its done.WEEKS it has been..WEEKs.
Ok ok.So all that i've obviously been dwelling in ever since schooldays ceased, has been Internet related.Ack.Yes.Guilty am i not.I indulge so much in my music research, testings, categorizing, alternative media explorations ( aka movie downloads) , god knows how many trillion of hours i've spent on them.Yes SPENT, NOT wasted.I mean, it would be PERFECT if i was doing it for an occupation.I swear i would be ever so diligent and committed a worker.

Sigh.Dreams be dreams.U said it Jack Johnson.U said it.

Is it?

Damn it.Just 4 more mbs and the file's done, and it has to go on waiting status on me. Great.
The bloody connection's playing hide and seek with me.